--There's no "false ego" in Enlightenment; i.e. a delusional "I" 
associated with identification with mind, at the core of one's 
 In spite of the vanishing act that eradicates the delusional "I"; 
evidence bears out the existence of other types of delusions, 
especially those pertaining to the Guru's notion of self-importance; 
and here the term "self" applies to "body-mind".  Your own Guru 
admits that there's a body-mind after Enlightenment.  I read some of 
your messages.
 That body-mind is fully capable of the most egregious, 
grandious, "Emperor/Empress - with no clothes" types of delusions; 
e.g. Bevan, and your Guru in particular, who seems to be infatuated 
with herself.  Besides, I dont' see any new information coming from 
her.  OK, she's Enlightened, what does she want, a medal? 

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <wgm4u@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ron" <sidha7001@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Om Namo Narayan 
> > > 
> > > Sahaja means effortless and continuous - 
> > > (not simply the result of being in sitting meditation)
> > > This is rather a continous state of Consciousness versus 
> > > an experience that comes and goes. 
> > > 
> > > Sarvikalpa - is still having an identity but it is merged 
> > > in Oneness. Being One 
> > > 
> > > Nirvikalpa - is no me remaining - Simply IS. One does 
> > > not percieve any story any longer it is over. There is only 
> > > Pure Awareness without any attributes layered over. 
> > > IN Nirvikalpa Sahaja there are no longer rising thoughts 
> > > and oneness has dissolved into 0 point balance. 
> > > 
> > > Maha Shanti
> > 
> > Sri Ramakrishna describes this distinction very well: "Savikalpa
> > Samadhi was compared by Sri Ramakrishna to a cotton doll which 
> > put in water gets saturated with it, and Nirvikalpa Samadhi to a 
> > of salt which when immersed in water dissolves and loses itself 
in it.
> > Nirvikalpa is the higher..."
> > 
> > It reminds me of the saying by Christ Jesus that:  "Whoever 
finds his
> > life (ego) will lose it (Cosmic Awareness), and whoever loses 
his life
> > (litte ego) for my sake will find it (Cosmic Consciousness).
> Little ego? as in small self? ego will do, there is no ego and 
enlightenment existing at the 
> same time.
> You left out sahaja- in both cases with savikalpa and nirvikalpa, 
it will be different if the 
> sahahja is either there or not. So Realization is Nirvalkalpa 
sahaja samadi.
> Sarvikalpa sahaja samadi while an exalted state has the "me" 
there. There is further to go 
> yet this is a place one may stop in their journey. This again is a 
situation where when one 
> is with a Guru resting in Realization, they will know where the 
disciple is at and then guide 
> them to completion. This again is also the significance in knowing 
that the Guru is 
> enlightened because they are only capable to take one as far as 
they themselves are.
> My Guru had this state and was ready to stop, it was only because 
of her Guru that she 
> continued as instructed. Sarvikalpa sahaja Samadi is a very 
attractive place saturated in 
> bliss.
> Here is an answer to a question from the newest enlightened in our 
group, resting in 
> nirvakalpa shaja samadhi since 7 days ago:
> Namaste all,
> While reading through the posts a question popped up. In the 
> state how do you feel about your loved ones? Do you feel as 
> to them as before or do you now have a different love for them 
that is
> more detached? I am trying to understand how now you are feeling 
> with the everyone and everything in the world, how you could chose 
> person over another to spend your life with. Would you not love all
> people the same?
> I am not even sure my question makes sense, but hopefully someone 
> get the gist of it.
> Amy
> Namaste Amy
> You love them more than they have been loved, All IS love as all 
love itself. There is no 
> *me* to enter in the act of loving, Love IS. Only responsibility 
to them no attachment and 
> family remains as is, all is perfectly normal. 
> most of what has been remains the same.
> if you are with a person who you share your life with there would 
be no reason to change 
> that . But if you are single there is no reason to chase after 
some one because there is no 
> desires. desires for the most part vanish one dose not feel lonely 
or dependent on an 
> other. 
> Realization is not an emotion and love is not a feeling but they 
are also the same. don't try 
> to figure it out just do the practice an trust the Guru.
> Love Light Jyoti

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