For the hell of it, I will respond with the general opinions from my camp which 
I think 
differ from your opinions:
> --There's no "false ego" in Enlightenment;

HP: there is no ego period. - ego is defined as identification with mind and 
body as being 
the self

 i.e. a delusional "I" 
> associated with identification with mind, at the core of one's 
> psyche.

HP: not anywhere else either

>  In spite of the vanishing act that eradicates the delusional "I"; 
> evidence bears out the existence of other types of delusions, 

HP: The wording here is a little complicated but i think there is a stark 
difference in 
opinion here as all delusions are imploded into Being and there is no one and 
no thing left, 
only iS,  so nope, no delusions left

> especially those pertaining to the Guru's notion of self-importance; 

HP: you will not find anywhere my guru claiming importance as a small self ego 
stance on 
a particular issue, however what is said is an enlightened being is helping 
humanity 24/7

> and here the term "self" applies to "body-mind".  Your own Guru 
> admits that there's a body-mind after Enlightenment.  I read some of 
> your messages.

HP: Now there is- but when this is gone nothing changes - this is why Guru's do 
not care 
if they have a body or not.

>  That body-mind is fully capable of the most egregious, 
> grandious, "Emperor/Empress - with no clothes" types of delusions; 

HP: yup

> e.g. Bevan, and your Guru in particular, who seems to be infatuated 
> with herself.  

HP: No comment on Bevan, and with my Guru, well, you are entitled to your 

Besides, I dont' see any new information coming from 
> her.  

HP: dont know what you are looking for, I have posted comments from the 
enligthened in 
our group, and the subject matter may be stuff which has not been seen to be 
on by other enligthened ones, this is rare with reference to the availability 
for most 

OK, she's Enlightened, what does she want, a medal? 

HP: No desires in enlgithenment but you know i am already so over posted with 
all this 
stuff, have covered everything so in actuality by now, all the stances of all 
the members in 
this forum are known and it is not going to change any time soon most likely, 
so now what 
- do you want a medal?
> - In, "Ron" <sidha7001@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "BillyG." <wgm4u@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, "Ron" <sidha7001@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Om Namo Narayan 
> > > > 
> > > > Sahaja means effortless and continuous - 
> > > > (not simply the result of being in sitting meditation)
> > > > This is rather a continous state of Consciousness versus 
> > > > an experience that comes and goes. 
> > > > 
> > > > Sarvikalpa - is still having an identity but it is merged 
> > > > in Oneness. Being One 
> > > > 
> > > > Nirvikalpa - is no me remaining - Simply IS. One does 
> > > > not percieve any story any longer it is over. There is only 
> > > > Pure Awareness without any attributes layered over. 
> > > > IN Nirvikalpa Sahaja there are no longer rising thoughts 
> > > > and oneness has dissolved into 0 point balance. 
> > > > 
> > > > Maha Shanti
> > > 
> > > Sri Ramakrishna describes this distinction very well: "Savikalpa
> > > Samadhi was compared by Sri Ramakrishna to a cotton doll which 
> when
> > > put in water gets saturated with it, and Nirvikalpa Samadhi to a 
> doll
> > > of salt which when immersed in water dissolves and loses itself 
> in it.
> > > Nirvikalpa is the higher..."
> > > 
> > > It reminds me of the saying by Christ Jesus that:  "Whoever 
> finds his
> > > life (ego) will lose it (Cosmic Awareness), and whoever loses 
> his life
> > > (litte ego) for my sake will find it (Cosmic Consciousness).
> > 
> > Little ego? as in small self? ego will do, there is no ego and 
> enlightenment existing at the 
> > same time.
> > 
> > You left out sahaja- in both cases with savikalpa and nirvikalpa, 
> it will be different if the 
> > sahahja is either there or not. So Realization is Nirvalkalpa 
> sahaja samadi.
> > 
> > Sarvikalpa sahaja samadi while an exalted state has the "me" 
> there. There is further to go 
> > yet this is a place one may stop in their journey. This again is a 
> situation where when one 
> > is with a Guru resting in Realization, they will know where the 
> disciple is at and then guide 
> > them to completion. This again is also the significance in knowing 
> that the Guru is 
> > enlightened because they are only capable to take one as far as 
> they themselves are.
> > 
> > My Guru had this state and was ready to stop, it was only because 
> of her Guru that she 
> > continued as instructed. Sarvikalpa sahaja Samadi is a very 
> attractive place saturated in 
> > bliss.
> > 
> > Here is an answer to a question from the newest enlightened in our 
> group, resting in 
> > nirvakalpa shaja samadhi since 7 days ago:
> > 
> > Namaste all,
> > 
> > While reading through the posts a question popped up. In the 
> realized
> > state how do you feel about your loved ones? Do you feel as 
> attached
> > to them as before or do you now have a different love for them 
> that is
> > more detached? I am trying to understand how now you are feeling 
> one
> > with the everyone and everything in the world, how you could chose 
> one
> > person over another to spend your life with. Would you not love all
> > people the same?
> > 
> > I am not even sure my question makes sense, but hopefully someone 
> will
> > get the gist of it.
> > 
> > Amy
> > 
> > Namaste Amy
> > 
> > You love them more than they have been loved, All IS love as all 
> love itself. There is no 
> > *me* to enter in the act of loving, Love IS. Only responsibility 
> to them no attachment and 
> > family remains as is, all is perfectly normal. 
> > 
> > most of what has been remains the same.
> > 
> > if you are with a person who you share your life with there would 
> be no reason to change 
> > that . But if you are single there is no reason to chase after 
> some one because there is no 
> > desires. desires for the most part vanish one dose not feel lonely 
> or dependent on an 
> > other. 
> > 
> > Realization is not an emotion and love is not a feeling but they 
> are also the same. don't try 
> > to figure it out just do the practice an trust the Guru.
> > 
> > Love Light Jyoti
> >

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