On Oct 13, 2007, at 1:20 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

I think she’s writing one. I’ll let you know if and when it gets published. A guy in the satsang who’s experiences seem to be “more advanced” than hers is also writing one – or co-writing one with a published author. You’ll know about that one too. AFAIK, neither of these people are trying to position themselves to be a pubic guru of any sort. I think their motivation is as you said: “it might really blow some minds that valuable new states of mind are being reached.” And not only to blow minds, but I think that reading such accounts and discussing them with these people helps to enliven these states in one’s own experience.

Now let me get this right Rick: she doesn't think it's special, BUT SHE'S WRITING A BOOK ON IT? So that means she's writing a book because it's not special? I hope you realize that's kind hard to swallow buddy. Lemme guess, she's doing it for the benefit of other sentient beings, those of us wallowing in ignorance...yeah that's the ticket! ;-)

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