In Diksha Initiation a Sat-Guru (true god-man) gives you some of his
God Consciousness, in regular Initiation any human teacher can give
you a meditation technique.

The difference is in Diksha Initiation the initiate must *qualify* for
the experience by his past spiritual sadhana (practice), and be able
to sustain the tremendous spiritual power brought on by the Guru,
obviously only a true realized Master can do this and an advanced

In ordinary Initiation any human teacher (even a book) can instruct
one in techniques to empower the sincere seeker! I would submit TM is
such a technique, perhaps one of the more effective techniques
available but still not a diksha Initiation.  It may however, lead to
Diksha Initiation based on merit like any reputable meditation technique.


Swami Yoganada, The Second Coming. "The disciple,in turn, must be
advanced and deserving in order to be able to receive such a 'baptism'
in Omniscience (diksha) by his advanced guru who is one with CC."

Kirpal Singh, The Crown of Life. "But when the student..succeeds in
rising above physical consciousness, he finds the Radiant Form of his
Master waiting unsought to receive him.  Indeed, it is at this point
that the real Guru-disciple or teacher-student relationship is
established.  Up to this stage, the Guru had been little more than a
human teacher...."

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