Yes, I totally agree.  Hitler was used by those who still want to establish the 
New World Order.  In fact, he was told in those exact terms, New World Order, 
that he would be "instrumental" in establishing  it.  He wasn't told that he'd 
only be a  step along the way, though.  He believed he was to be the big 
enchilada---the thousand-year Reich was to be sat-yuga.  The antisemitism was 
not real in the same sense that the terrorists we're all afraid of today are 
not real. Hitler needed a single enemy to focus the people's attention on.  
There is even some evidence that Jews supplied him with the notion that they 
could be that single enemy.  It's not conclusive evidence, but certainly the 
Warburgs were involved in it, in spite of the fact that Paul Warburg lost two 
close relatives in the death camps.  a  

Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Vaj wrote:
> Dedicated to Nablososs
> Jai Guru Dev
> Love,
> Sri Sri Vaj
> Illuminati Headquarters
> Brocken Mountain, Germany
> from Msg.# 16079
> Maharishi on Hitler
> This is from a Jewish friend who was full-time in the TMO for many 
> years, including Purusha and International Staff in Vlodrop and 
> elsewhere. He’s now with a different teacher. We had a private 
> discussion about this a couple of months ago and I asked if I could 
> post this. He said I could but asked that I not mention his name.
> --------
> Some time after being on Purusha, I discovered, to my great amazement, 
> that some German Purusha were wearing swastikas under their ties, 
> celebrating Hitler's birthday, and generally feeling very bully about 
> the whole thing. I remembered what Frank Pappentine told me a few 
> years back during our 6-month course in Arosa (we were good friends 
> during that course): that Maharishi had met with the Germans in 
> Seelisberg and told them that the Allies presented Hitler as a great 
> demon to suppress the German morale, that the facts were different and 
> that Hitler was, in fact, a good strong leader.
> I heard that from Maharishi myself, in Washington DC in 1983, when a 
> reporter asked him what he thought of Hitler. He said, that Hitler was 
> actually a good strong leader who unified Germany, it's just too bad 
> that he did so much indiscriminate killing.
> All these caused me quite a shock at the time, and finally I decided 
> to confront a question that had bothered me from childhood: how could 
> intelligent, sophisticated Germans (and some of the leaders of his 
> party and the SS were indeed sophisticated and intelligent) follow 
> him? Some of them were reputed to be lovers of classical music, 
> devoted husbands, doting fathers, fond of animals and loved to tend 
> their rose gardens -- but had no problem going to work in the morning, 
> work being the extermination of yet another transport of thousands of 
> Jews.

> ----------
> My friend’s response was that that attitude was a cop-out which 
> allowed people to rationalize all sorts of mischief by gurus and other 
> leaders.
One has to look beyond Hitler and follow the money.  He was trained and 
used by those who wanted to control the world and still want to today.  
Nazism was designed to appeal to the country folk (I've heard Hitler was 
not so popular in the cities) who usually wind up in the armies anyway.  
It was a failed first attempt at a "New World Order" or "Global 
Society."  Exterminating the Jews was just a start as they wanted to get 
rid of everyone who didn't fit their "ideal society."   I've read "Mein 
Kampf" and saw why the first 50 pages would have hooked people but then 
it fell into an disgusting badly written rant.  As long as they got 
people to read the first few pages they hooked their supporters.  
Likewise Bush's speeches are designed to evoke emotional control in all 
but the brightest in this country who see right through them.  
Fortunately they seem to have underestimated the intelligence of the 
majority though.  :)

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