--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
> Did I say or imply that it's better to strive to be an 
Untermensch?  How did you arrive at that conclusion.  I've made no 
judgment of any kind yet.  I'm just comparing two things that seem to 
me to invite comparison. >>

Hidden in your comparison is an obvious negative connotation, no? 
Correct me if I'm wrong, but comparing anyone to Hitler in the modern 
era is not a positive assessment.

Just because someone teaches that people may want to better 
themselves in any way (ie. evolve) does not mean they are like the 
Nazis. Your comparison appears to be aimed at suggesting that any 
group who says: "Let's be better, than the past humans" must be 
potential murderous Nazis.

Making comparisons to Nazis brings a whole bunch of baggage with it, 
and you knew that when you posted it..no?  
Or perhaps you just mean that many groups look to better themselves 
and the world, and in addition some turn nasty, like the Nazis.

If you use your logic (also implied by the juxtaposition of the 
question to which you were answering from another poster) you would 
call the Quakers "Nazis", and the Buddhists.


> off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
wrote:                                  --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
>  <mailander111@> wrote:
>  >
>  > I have no idea what you mean when you say, "And are these same 
>  being cloned onto splinter satsang groups?" As for your other 
>  question, "Are there significant parallels between the Third Reich 
>  Mahesh's spiritual movement, I'd say definitely there are.  Name 
>  article of faith you find repeated in this town, name any of the 
>  repeated quotes of things Mahesh is supposed to have said, and it 
>  repeated and believed in Nazi Germany.  They didn't call it 
>  enlightenment, but they were all striving to be the Ubermensch. >>
>  It is better, in your opinion, to strive to be untermensch then?
>  OffWorld
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