--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, kaladevi93 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, t3rinity <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajranatha@> wrote:
> > 
> > > Actually the way it's taught by lineal Patanjali masters is that  
> > > siddhis are not to be cultivated via samyama but instead are  
> > > spontaneous side-effects of samadhi. Swami Brahmananda Saraswati  
> > > emphasized this as well.
> > 
> > Hey there. While in India, I bought a book which was recommended here
> > to me, the Bhagavad Gita with commentary by Madhusudana Saraswati, who
> > was in the 16th century, a contemporary of Akbhar and a renovator of
> > the Dasanami Order. It is because of him that Non-Brahmins are
> > accepted into most Dasanami Orders. he was also a great Bhakta who
> > synthezised the bhakti philosophies with Shankara Advaita. Here in
> > verse 21 he calls samyama "strongest of all disciplines" 
> > 
> > 
> > This is what he says in his Invocation to the Gita.
> > 
> > 20 Through the power of knowledge of reality (tattva-jnana) the
> > results of actions (done in past lives) that have not commenced
> > bearing fruit (anarabdha or sancita) get wholly destroyed, to be sure,
> > and the results of actions (done in the present life after the dawn of
> > knowledge) that are to bear fruit in the furure (agamini) do not
> > 
> > 21 But because of disturbances created by the results of actions that
> > have started bearing fruit (prarabdha), vasana (past impressions) does
> > not get destroyed. That is eliminated through samyama, the strongest
> > of all (the disciplines).
> > 
> > 22. The five disciplines, viz yama (restraint) etc. (P.Y.Su 2.29)
> > practised before become conducive to that samyama which is a triad
> > consisting of dharana, dhyan and samadhi (see ibid. 3.1.4)
> >
> I asked Vajranatha about this as he is over his posting limit.
> Samyama is not a bad practice by itself. It is when it is used to
manifest siddhis that it 
> causes obscuration of the natural state.
> In the context quoted it refers to the triad of yogic absorptions
and not to cultivating of 
> siddhis. Different context, different meaning.
> Other more specific references refer to the Gita and explain that
samyama used for siddhis 
> will lead to emotional and mental obscurations.
> Please be careful of your context as it is not a good idea to be
encouraging people to use 
> samyama to manifest siddhis!

Please see the reference in verse 22: PYS 3.1.4 This is the Chapter
followed by the explanation how siddhis are developed through Samyama.
It is Vaj ignoring the context here.

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