hey, im lovein this, i want one!

heres another good link, trikke video ad:

woo hoo

> Duveyoung wrote:
> I never roller bladed, but I sure see them using the same actions.
> Skiers tell me that they trikke in the summer and never have a single
> sore muscle when they hit the slopes -- same kinda core motions etc.
> That balance360 looks like it'll do the trick, but is it fun after one
> has mastered the thing?
> Historically, I have very poor balancing skills -- however, the Trikke
> just will not take "no ability" for an answer and forces you to get in
> the groove with it, and my balancing skills have come up considerably.
> But, geeze, I don't know if I want you to trikke though, cuz then
> you'll counter-argue all the spiritual things I say about trikking and
> reduce them to mundane inanities.  "There's no need for a Great Carver
> In The Sky, Edg."
> I'm trying to get the gumption to come at you naysayers in that
> atheist thread you've been having such a grand time grinding, but wow,
> I just don't have much taste for frustration these days. 
> But, so, hmmmm, if you do buy a Trikke, I guess I'll have to come over
> there and rock your worlds and make true believers outta you guys to
> prevent trikking from being, you know, Shempified.
> Hee hee.
> Edg
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> >
> > "Now here's a concept: no one here has yet to get a Trikke, and though
> > I've waxed as eloquent as possible about the thrills of the
> > experience, my words have not "gotten to" "whatever needs getting to"
> > in order for a purchase to have happened."
> > 
> > I came close to getting one about two years ago.  They look like a lot
> > of fun.  I am an avid roller blader, so  I just never pulled the
> > trigger since is seems kind of close.  Did you roller blade before you
> > got one?  How do they compare if you did?  I've been eyeballing the
> > one with the biggest tires for a while.  I can relate to the joy you
> > find in balance challenging exercise though. Here is a mindblowing
> > balance challenge for you: 
> > http://www.balance360.com/  These boards are amazing! 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > http://youtube.com/watch?v=nLGNNX9ZqDE
> > > 
> > > Is it trollish that I post this here?  Probably, but I love the
> > > of Shemp cookin' on the barbie.
> > > 
> > > On another level, it's not spamming on my part, cuz I'm completely
> > > able to defend trikking as a spiritual experience.
> > > 
> > > Now here's a concept:  no one here has yet to get a Trikke, and
> > > I've waxed as eloquent as possible about the thrills of the
> > > experience, my words have not "gotten to" "whatever needs
getting to"
> > > in order for a purchase to have happened.
> > > 
> > > This to me is the power of words in general -- almost zilch --
> > > bring their minds to the words with a wide degree of freedom to
> > > interpret them, and it seems as if a writer is never speaking except
> > > to him/herself.  And even then, days later, the writer too might
> > > change the meaning of the words without changing the words
> > > 
> > > Is this not the hard fact of life for all who would "move
others?"  I
> > > have never had a clear and evident example of my persuading
others --
> > > even in my most successful Merv era, I knew that folks were starting
> > > TM cuz of "something else" and not my intro lecture.  
> > > 
> > > All this is common knowledge to all here who have tried so
mightily to
> > > score a point -- yet all I see is hardening of the hearteries. 
No one
> > > posting here is very "changeable" it seems, yet all write as if
> > > is one of the deepest dynamics of our lives.
> > > 
> > > What changes us?  I think Judy is correct, the changes are made
> > > inside and only later does the intellect etc. "get into the act" and
> > > pretend to validate a POV.
> > > 
> > > So, then, ARE we influencing each other in these subtle realms but
> > > none of us can see it clearly?
> > > 
> > > Anyone want to believe this one?
> > > 
> > > Maybe the only real value of FFL is that one can bring any POV here
> > > and have it torn to shreds by the most vile set of trolls on the Web
> > > -- and who isn't for such a stripping of absolutes from one's
> relative?
> > > 
> > > And it just drives me kookoo to agree with one person one day
and hate
> > > their ideas the next.  Right now, I'm, like, standing up on my chair
> > > and applauding whenever Judy rips Pred a new one.  Sigh.  And, now
> > > watch, she'll write that in no way is she ripping anything -- just
> > > clarifying is all.  Hee hee.
> > > 
> > > Yet, I get up each morning, and I read about a hundred posts
here, and
> > > something always gets me typing.  
> > > 
> > > Must be Mad Tao Disease.
> > > 
> > > Edg
> > >
> >

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