--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "brontebaxter8" 
> Turq wrote:
> Bronte, I have challenged you in the past here to do one simple 
> thing -- something that should be a breeze for someone who 
> herself as smart as you obviously consider yourself -- write 
> something positive. One post. One in which there is zero negation
> or putdown of something you don't like, only a presentation of 
> something you *do* like and that you think might be valuable for 
> other folks. I honestly don't think you *can* any more. 
> > 
> Bronte writes:
> Turq, I am going to spend one last post responding to you, and then 
> I'm done until you get over yourself. >>

I love it when the universe speeds up its lifespan.

<<I didn't comment on this remark 
> the first time..._ snip - This is the last thing of yours I'm 
reading until you get off your 
> high horse. Smoke away in your rants if that gives you jollies. 
Most of us will not be listening.  
> - Bronte   >>

Welcome to the club. 

(still waitin'...)

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