--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > On Behalf Of nablusoss1008 > Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2007 12:21 PM > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Another Account of Financial Fraud and Danger > > > > Much like yourself, I might add. Nobody can challenge your lies > because you yourself operate with anonymous "witnesess". It's ironic > that the shit you are spreading here hits the fan and hits your own > guru. > I think she can handle it - I hope you can live with it. > > Nabsters, I want to point out what I perceive as a difference in the way you > and I respond to this kind of stuff. My response to the Amma stuff was to > say "I can't refute these points because I haven't witnessed any of it first > hand or spoken to anyone who has. I suggest you post it to such- and-such > site where more experienced people may respond. My experience so far has > been positive." I also emailed a friend who might know more and posted her > response, which corroborated some of the accusations and cast doubt on > others. > > Your response to the Maharishi stuff, as well as Amma, Sai Baba, Muktananda, > etc. stuff is to say "It's all lies. I don't believe any of it." The fact > is, you don't know with certainty if it's all lies, or some of it, or none > of it. All you know, perhaps unconsciously, is that it considering that it > might be true makes you uncomfortable because it clashes with what you > believe, or want to believe. It's like a Christian saying "I believe Christ > was born of a virgin and rose from the dead." Believing that is fine, but > there's a difference between believing and knowing. The Christian really > thinks those things happened, because it shakes his world if he questions > them. He therefore dismisses anyone who asks him to question them as doomed > to hell, or otherwise faithless and deluded. In other words, he trashes the > messenger because it's too uncomfortable to contemplate the message. It > would require too much change in his life and beliefs if the message were > true, even partially.
You are trying to justify that you are spreading rumours. Wether they are true or false, contentwise, are of no importance. At least to me. The stuff you are spreading about MMy could be true or not. It is of no importance for me if it is true, as I have stated before. It does not diminish his positive influence on my life or the influence he has had and continue to have on the life of this planet. The reason I labelled you "white trash" is because you are thriving in that gossip. Gossip without substance because your "source" does not want to talk. But you will continue without doubt. Even though your ways and lack of principle and honour are subtly hurting your own guru, but not touching her as she is beyond that, by sowing doubt and division in the minds of her followers. Different stories, same lack of honour and discipline lies at their foundation in the minds of characters like yourself. May you be able to live with that.