--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You are trying to justify that you are spreading rumours. Wether 
> they are true or false, contentwise, are of no importance. At 
> to me. The stuff you are spreading about MMy could be true or not. 
> It is of no importance for me if it is true, as I have stated 
> before. It does not diminish his positive influence on my life or 
> the influence he has had and continue to have on the life of this 
> planet. 
> I agree with you on that. All it does is make me take everything 
he says
> with a grain of salt. In other words, I don't think, as I once 
did, that
> "everything he says must be true because he's enlightened." It 
also raises
> interesting questions regarding the correlation of ethics and 
higher states
> of consciousness. Are they as tightly correlated as Maharishi said 
> were? Apparently not. Is there any absolute value to ethical 
standards or
> are they just a matter of culture and personal preference?

Values change. Enlightenment changes and grows also. Ethics and 
enlightenment are probably correlated, by why this hunt for 
perfection ? You won't find it, at least not for the time being. 
What you are seeking, the solution to "interesting questions" stems 
from an unsettled mind. I could use other words for it also, but Let 
It Be.
No one is 100% in the relative, in Kali Yuga. Perhaps Maitreya and 
the Masters are, I don't know.

> The reason I labelled you "white trash" is because you are 
> in that gossip. 
> "Thriving" is not a verb I would have chosen.

You seem to enjoy it.

> Even though your ways and lack 
> of principle and honour are subtly hurting your own guru, but not 
> touching her as she is beyond that, by sowing doubt and division 
> the minds of her followers. 
> It's not clear to me how I am doing that. Please explain.

Everything is connected with everything else, right ? Thats why, 
when I think you are behaving unbelivebly stupid and eating up your 
deserving ability, I see I could have done the same. I could not 
have seen it if I also did not have the same tendency. Difference is 
that I do not act on it.
One viscious gossip about one Master has a negative influence, first 
of all on yourself of course, but also on all other Masters. You are 
feeding the trait of trickery and treason inherent in all persons by 
your interest in this field. And thus subtly hurting your own guru.

> Different stories, same lack of honour 
> and discipline lies at their foundation in the minds of characters 
> like yourself.
> May you be able to live with that.
> Last time I checked my heart was still beating.

To have a guru in KaliYuga is easy (for most people). They don't ask 
many questions now. But perhaps you will have a harder time next 
time around. Just a thought...

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