*"Battle For The Republic <http://battle-for-the-republic.playz.it/>"
Exposes *
*Real Immigration Agenda
**Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet, October 30, 2007

*"Elite using balkanization strategy to *
*destroy American sovereignty and *
*create third world cesspit." *

Alex Jones' Battle For The Republic exposes how the elite
are using illegal immigration and pushing amnesty as a
means of pulverizing the American middle class and ensuring
that U.S. citizens, black, white and hispanic alike, are
forced to sacrifice their freedom and sovereignty as
America is sunk into a third world cesspool.

The mini-documentary lifts the lid on how the backlash
against rampant illegal immigration in America is a major
concern for the Bilderberg Group, posing a threat to their
plans to lower the living standards of U.S. citizens of all
colors and creeds into second or even third world status.

What is the real agenda behind last year's massive
pro-illegal immigration demonstrations and who is really
behind them? Battle For the Republic traces the legacy of
the movement back to the Plan of San Diego, a shocking
blueprint for race-based genocide directed against blacks
and whites in America.

The goal is to divide America by bankrolling the Aztlan
movement, an extremist separatist plan on behalf of Mexican
Ku Klux Klan style groups like Mecha and La Raza to
"reclaim" the southern and western U.S. states, in order to
eventually merge America, Canada and Mexico into a North
American Union.

Battle For The Republic shoots down the myth that Mexico
has any rightful claim to the south western states by
carefully documenting the history of how the west was won,
bringing it up to the modern day and highlighting how the
elite are using the enraged Mexican mobs as a weapon of
conquest to slit America's throat and sacrifice its
sovereignty on the altar of globalism.

Hispanic Radio and TV stations owned by huge corporations
based in New York spew hatred and division as Mexicans are
radicalized and told that all their problems stem from the
racist American middle class while ignoring the fact that
the elite are the true cause of their misery, as taxpayers
are sucked dry to fund welfare which only subsidizes the
corporations that employ the illegals.

Illegal aliens are being granted God-like status by the
elite and given rights that super seed those of American
citizens. The film highlights the case of a man who was
assaulted and arrested by police for expressing his first
amendment right to disagree with thousands of illegal
aliens marching in downtown Seattle, and how illegals who
assaulted him and smashed his car were left completely
alone while throngs of Mexicans cheered as an American was
taken to jail for exercising his freedom of speech.

"Now you're bleeding, what's it like now, bitch!" yells one
illegal as blood drips from the man's face.

Battle For the Republic ends with Alex Jones' infamous
protest of Vicente Fox when he came to Austin to give
awards to police for breaking federal laws by not arresting
illegal aliens.

Fox was forced to cut his speech short after Alex Jones
bullhorned the truth about his role in destroying American
sovereignty, making headlines across Texas.


You may learn more about Alex Jones, PrisonPlanet.com,
and his various offerings, including Battle for the Republic *HERE

And you can see a clip from his work, "*Battle for the Republic*"
*HERE <http://battle-for-the-republic.playz.it/>*:
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