I welcome exploring your insights, and your opinions of both Alex Jones's
and Joseph Watson's information and perspectives on territory and the
equitable distribution and consumption of resources. :-)
*Of all that anyone leading or teaching has to convey, the most valuable
thing to cultivate and convey to others is a moral conscience. Only such
persons deserve to lead others, in any capacity. Anything less is a menace
to society.*

On 11/1/07, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Now this guy writes like me!
> And he's speaking the truth.
> Edg
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "PROUT News" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> *"* *Battle For The Republic * <http://battle-for-the-republic.playz.it/>*"
> Exposes * *Real Immigration Agenda
> **Paul Joseph Watson
> Prison Planet, October 30, 2007
> *
> *"Elite using balkanization strategy to *
> *destroy American sovereignty and *
> *create third world cesspit." *
> Alex Jones' Battle For The Republic exposes how the elite
> are using illegal immigration and pushing amnesty as a
> means of pulverizing the American middle class and ensuring
> that U.S. citizens, black, white and hispanic alike, are
> forced to sacrifice their freedom and sovereignty as
> America is sunk into a third world cesspool.
> The mini-documentary lifts the lid on how the backlash
> against rampant illegal immigration in America is a major
> concern for the Bilderberg Group, posing a threat to their
> plans to lower the living standards of U.S. citizens of all
> colors and creeds into second or even third world status.
> What is the real agenda behind last year's massive
> pro-illegal immigration demonstrations and who is really
> behind them? Battle For the Republic traces the legacy of
> the movement back to the Plan of San Diego, a shocking
> blueprint for race-based genocide directed against blacks
> and whites in America.
> The goal is to divide America by bankrolling the Aztlan
> movement, an extremist separatist plan on behalf of Mexican
> Ku Klux Klan style groups like Mecha and La Raza to
> "reclaim" the southern and western U.S. states, in order to
> eventually merge America, Canada and Mexico into a North
> American Union.
> Battle For The Republic shoots down the myth that Mexico
> has any rightful claim to the south western states by
> carefully documenting the history of how the west was won,
> bringing it up to the modern day and highlighting how the
> elite are using the enraged Mexican mobs as a weapon of
> conquest to slit America's throat and sacrifice its
> sovereignty on the altar of globalism.
> Hispanic Radio and TV stations owned by huge corporations
> based in New York spew hatred and division as Mexicans are
> radicalized and told that all their problems stem from the
> racist American middle class while ignoring the fact that
> the elite are the true cause of their misery, as taxpayers
> are sucked dry to fund welfare which only subsidizes the
> corporations that employ the illegals.
> Illegal aliens are being granted God-like status by the
> elite and given rights that super seed those of American
> citizens. The film highlights the case of a man who was
> assaulted and arrested by police for expressing his first
> amendment right to disagree with thousands of illegal
> aliens marching in downtown Seattle, and how illegals who
> assaulted him and smashed his car were left completely
> alone while throngs of Mexicans cheered as an American was
> taken to jail for exercising his freedom of speech.
> "Now you're bleeding, what's it like now, bitch!" yells one
> illegal as blood drips from the man's face.
> Battle For the Republic ends with Alex Jones' infamous
> protest of Vicente Fox when he came to Austin to give
> awards to police for breaking federal laws by not arresting
> illegal aliens.
> Fox was forced to cut his speech short after Alex Jones
> bullhorned the truth about his role in destroying American
> sovereignty, making headlines across Texas.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> You may learn more about Alex Jones, PrisonPlanet.com,
> and his various offerings, including Battle for the Republic *HERE 
> *<http://www.prisonplanet.com/article...le_republic.htm>:
> http://www.prisonplanet.com/article...le_republic.htm
> And you can see a clip from his work, "*Battle for the Republic*"
> *HERE <http://battle-for-the-republic.playz.it/>*:  
> http://Battle-For-The-Republic.playz.it
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