--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Rick,
> > 
> > You're always posting stuff from "outside" posters, so why do 
> > you get that right and not me?
> Because he's the moderator and you're just a pissant
> with a grudge against me trying to assist another 
> pissant with a grudge against me in your mutual 
> quest to trash me and other people you don't like.
> And everyone here knows it, no matter how much you 
> posture otherwise.
> < snipping the rest of Edg's self-serving bullshit >
> Here's the real issue. And since Rick says I'm already
> at 35 even though my hand-count says otherwise, even
> counting the one I offered to Judy, I'm going to "go
> over" by one post to make the point that Edg is trying
> to obscure. Because *I* respect the limit, unlike these
> two assholes, I'll take it off of my next week's tally.
> The 35-post-per-week limit was put in place for a 
> REASON. That reason is that several people were 
> completely out of control and using their ability
> to post as much as they wanted to drown out other
> posters and thus drown out ideas they disagreed with. 
> Think back to one year ago, October, 2006. During
> that month:
> * shempmcgurk made 541 posts -- that was 11.6% of the
> total FFL posts for that month, an average of 129/week
> * sparaig made 533 posts -- that was (11.4% of the 
> total FFL posts for the month, an average of 123/week
> * authfriend (Judy) made 482 posts -- that was 10.3% 
> of total FFL posts for the month, an average of 111/week

FFL was Hell in Oct. '06 - the 35-post limit brought sanity.
Please maintain the 35 post per week limit.

> Almost everyone else back then was writing pretty much 
> the same number of posts they are today; that is, they
> had the self control to say only what needed to be said.
> Only a few posted more, and none of them at even anything 
> *near* what the three people above were posting.
> It seems clear that at least one of the posters above 
> still feels that she "deserves" to post more, and is 
> willing to do whatever she needs to do to post as much 
> as she bloody well pleases. It also seems clear that 
> she has an ally who is willing to help her try to bring 
> back the Bad Old Days of FFL, as long as she uses a few 
> of her "extra posts" to trash the guy Edg has developed 
> an obsession against that is almost as insane as hers.
> There was a *reason* for the posting limits. There still
> is. I personally think that the Bad Old Days are well 
> worth keeping in mind.
> There is only one bottom line here. Some people feel
> that they are "better" or "more privileged" than others,
> and get to do what the fuck they want, no matter who
> else disagrees. Edg makes a big show of "cleaning up
> the flaming," and then turns into the biggest, most
> out-of-control flamer ever. Judy pretends to lose track 
> of how many posts she's made *every fucking week* in 
> an attempt to push the envelope and post more than
> anyone else. 
> As I said back then, in the Bad Old Days, "Those with 
> the least to say seem to feel that they need the most 
> posts in which to say it."
> I say it still.
> Don't let the pissants ruin your forum again, Rick,
> now that it's finally under a modicum of control.

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