--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "hugheshugo" 
> <richardhughes103@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante <no_reply@> 
> wrote:
> > 

>> I think whether vedic culture is true or not should be studied 
>>case by case, this is the belief system of an ancient civilisation 
>>some of it will be common sense, some superstition, some bizarre > 
>>nonsense (to us)some undoubtably true but a mistake to adopt it 
>>wholesale, if only to avoid the unedifying sight of otherwise 
>>intelligent people hiding from solar eclipses or not visiting 
>>friends whose houses have a south entrance.

> One thing that is commonly overlooked in the mad rush to be first 
> ridicule vedic stuff is that this info was a description of the 
> aspects of enlightened life. It was never meant to be perscribed as 
> a code of living for the unenlightened, nor was it meant to be 
> as one element at a time. Just as any society appears crazy if its 
> elements are evaluated one at a time, without understanding the 
> underlying consciousness that gives rise to its many laws and codes 
> for living.
> So its all good fun to howl and bark at the various vedic 
> descriptions/cognitions, keeping in mind that they were not meant 
> be perscriptions, but instead descriptions.
> Once the key that ties all of the elements of vedic life is lost, 
> trancendental consciousness, the whole thing is lost, and becomes a 
> mess. At some point, all of these cognitions were probably 
> transformed into codes for living, without the underlying 
> of pure awareness, and then the whole thing goes to hell.

I was not "howling and barking" at vedic civilisation, of course they 
were scared of eclipses they were probably sun-worshippers, that 
doesn't mean we have to follow them indoors when nature produces one 
it's ultimate free light shows. Yet people in the TMO do. They claim 
to be into science but they just accept this stuff without question, 
I know, I've tried to reason people out of it but it's a "if it's 
vedic it's true" thing. Each to there own but I think it's a shame to 
limit yourself.

I reckon a new enlightened civilisation would implement the 
discoveries of it's own science into it's explanation of reality, we 
have relativity, quantum physics and an understanding of evolution 
through natural selection. These are the high points of human 
achievement, so far. They are objectively verifiable, the vedic 
civilisation didn't have this logical way of revealing natures 
secrets. It's no shame to enjoy the fruits of their inner wisdom and 
meditate while at the same time understanding that their view of the 
world and codes for living are just that, an attempt to explain 
nature and a way of organising society. It's the TMO that has it 
wrong by trying to re-introduce this as though it's absolute truth, 
instead of seeing it for what it is, a sometimes beautiful and 
sometimes weird and even revolting (to us) way of life.

IMO getting to know you're inner-self should be liberating not 
enslave you to the past. 

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