--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> > <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> > <snip>
> > > Me: This is a difference we have had in the past.  You seen
> > > unable to distinguish a person's attack on an idea with a
> > > personal attack.  I have not made any statement about what I
> > > think of you as a person if you decide you want to embrace the
> > > idea that looking at your turds is harmful.  I am saying that
> > > this belief is misguided, wrong, nonsense,like much information 
> > > from pre-scientific societies. 
> > <snip>
> > > Your characterization of my belief
> > > as howling and barking, the vocalizations of dogs, is personally
> > > insulting in every culture I know.
> > 
> > So your characterization of Jim's belief as "misguided,
> > wrong, and nonsense" isn't an attack on Jim; but Jim's
> > characterization of your belief as "howling and barking"
> > *is* an attack on you.
> > 
> > How does that work, exactly? I sure don't know
> > how I would make that distinction.
> I suspect that your last sentence is what we in
> the writing business call "stating the obvious."
> You *don't* know how to make that distinction.
> Neither does Jim.

Oops, you should have read Curtis's response. As
he recognized, I was commenting on his phrasing,
and he agreed that it didn't make the distinction
he had been aiming for.

> *Both* of you reacted to my silly Aphorisms as if
> I had attacked the *belief systems*, when what they
> were really were a set of snarks about the common
> actions of the *believers*. Yet you claimed:
> > The more spiritual aphorisms you come up with
> > in an attempt to discredit spiritual paths, the
> > angrier you are about your own inability to find
> > one of your own.

A "path" is whatever one is following, of course,
even if one has made it up oneself. Your tortured
attempt to squeeze out a distinction is hilariously

> And Jim claimed:
> > Those that contnuously claim there is nowhere to go, 
> > go nowhere.
> I don't think that *either* of those claims is borne
> out by the post being replied to. 
> I think that what both of your replies represent is
> a common cult technique called "Whenever the actions
> or beliefs of the followers of a cult are called 
> into question, try to characterize the questioner
> as attacking the cult (or religion or belief system)
> itself."

Naah. Your claim here is *your* common technique
when you're made fun of for trashing other people's
beliefs: blame it on the "cult" you fantasize the
critics belong to, as if there could be no other
motivation for mocking your compulsive putdowns.

But oddly enough, just a few posts back you were

"In my experience, I think I learned more from and
benefited more from those moments in which I was
able to laugh at my own assholiness than I ever did
from all that talk about holiness."

Now, *that's* funny!

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