Uncle Tantra wrote:
> > "In my experience, I think I learned more from and
> > benefited more from those moments in which I was
> > able to laugh at my own assholiness than I ever did
> > from all that talk about holiness."
> >
Judy Stein wrote: 
> Now, *that's* funny!
Speaking of assholiness:

From: Uncle Tantra
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Thurs, Dec 15 2005 10:35 am
Subject: Re: TM and sexual Tantra

Actually, the question that is more relevant is whether 
it is considered better at the Purusha and Mother Divine
orgies to use official MAV Ayurvedic sesame oil or K-Y
for lubricant. I have no personal information on this, 
but I'm betting on the sesame oil because the TMO makes 
a profit on it and not on K-Y. At least not yet. 

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