--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "boo_lives" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I didn't mean to imply he was kicked out.  My understanding from
> someone close to chopra is that the inner tmo circle was making life
> difficult for him because he was viewed as too independent and then
> Bevan sent out a letter to the centers saying chopra was persona non
> grata in the movt, which came as news to chopra, and when he asked
> MMY what was going on, he couldn't get a satisfactory answer, so he 
> split.

FWIW, here's the text of the letter I suspect
you're referring to, plus a response from Chopra,
as published in the TM-EX newsletter:

Volume V, No. 3, Summer 1993 

Dhanvantari No More - Deepak dumped? 

TM-EX has obtained a copy of two letters; one sent to ''Capital 
Chairman and Council Governors'' dated July 16, 1993. from the 
Maharishi National Council of the Age of Enlightenment. 

The letter states: "There have been many inquiries from Maharishi 
City Capitals asking what our policy should be regarding Dr. Deepak 
Chopra as they have heard he has left the Movement. This is to inform 
you that Dr. Chopra has confirmed with us that he has left the 
Movement to pursue his own career and desires to live a "private and 
quiet life." From his side Dr. Chopra has said that Centers, 
Governors, Teachers, Sidhas and Meditators "should ignore him and 
not try to contact him or promote him in any way." 

Accordingly, we should discontinue promoting him, his courses, tapes 
and books (including Creating Health, Return of the Rishi, Perfect 
Health, Quantum Healing, Unconditional Life, etc.) Since he is no 
longer affiliated with our Movement in any way, if you happen to hear 
that Dr. Chopra is coming to your area to lecture you should in no 
way try to contact him or organize for him. This policy is extremely 
important for the purity of the teaching. 

The pure and complete knowledge of Maharishi Ayur-Ved will now be 
available to the whole population in the United States and Canada 
through the courses Maharishi is preparing for the Maharishi Ayur-Ved 
Universities which are being opened throughout North America. With 
these new courses Maharishi Ayur-Ved Universities will launch a 
campaign to create a disease-free, crime-free society and a 
problem-free government and fulfill the highest goals of an affluent 
society. Jai Guru Dev 


Dr. Chopra responded on July 30, 1993: 

Dear Friends, There have been many rumors and misunderstanding 
concerning my relationship to the TM organization. As I know many of 
you personally and consider all of you my friends, I thought it only 
fair to write to you myself. 

Several months ago I decided that it would be best if I no longer 
held any official position in the Movement. I had never felt 
comfortable in the role of a leader and wished to pursue some 
personal projects separate from those responsibilities. Soon after 
that time I was approached by Sharp HealthCare, a large group of 
hospitals in San Diego, who I had met previously, and asked to set up 
and direct the Institute for Human Potential and Mind Body Medicine. 

I view this as a wonderful opportunity to intergrate complementary 
medicine into a traditional western medical setting. I have, 
therefore, moved my office to San Diego to allow me to donate much of 
my time to this project. The Institute will offer consultations and 
treatment programs, a wide range of educational programs and 
carefully documented research to monitor the progress of every 
patient and the effectiveness of the treatment. This first out-
patient clinic will open at the beginning of September and a 
residential facility will open a couple of months later. The programs 
will include Ayurvedic medicine but we will also be open to other 
therapies that are found to be effective. We feel that the Institute 
will help to realize the goals of everyone who has been working in 
the area of mind-body medicine and alternative healthcare. 

I am not really sure what is meant when people ask me if I've left 
the Movement. I still practice TM and the Sidhis and will continue to 
recommend them and refer people to the Centers and Clinics. I will 
also continue to support the Movement in other ways as my schedule 
and other responsibilities permit. Although my focus is on in San 
Diego I have not forgotten the support and friendship that so many of 
you have shared with me over the years. I assure you that I will 
always remain available to anyone in the Movement who feels the need 
[to] clarify things a little and that we can all help create a [sic] 
and healthy world.  Best Wishes 

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