--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "boo_lives" <boo_lives@> 
> wrote:
> > >
> > > Maybe chopra was just looking for an excuse to leave and do his 
> own
> > > thing at that point.  Basically I think someone with a practical
> > > independent attitude will ultimately come into conflict with 
> tmo
> > > inner circle - whether you view it as being kicked out or 
> voluntarily
> > > leaving in frustration doesn't matter much.
> > 
> > It matters a great deal in one case -- when the person
> > leaves of his own accord and Maharishi or the TMO claim
> > he was "kicked out." I saw that happen quite a few times.
> I call Barry's attention to this from the
> letter sent to the centers by National after
> Chopra left:
> "There have been many inquiries from Maharishi
> City Capitals asking what our policy should be
> regarding Dr. Deepak Chopra as they have heard
> he has left the Movement. This is to inform you
> that Dr. Chopra has confirmed with us that he
> has left the Movement to pursue his own career
> and desires to live a 'private and quiet life.'
> From his side Dr. Chopra has said that Centers,
> Governors, Teachers, Sidhas and Meditators
> 'should ignore him and not try to contact him
> or promote him in any way.'"
> Whether or not this is what Chopra actually
> said, it's the way the TMO chose to portray
> the split.
> > It's a common cult technique. What the cult is trying to
> > do is reinforce the idea that no one would ever *want*
> > to leave of their own accord. So it's better for the
> > cult to claim that they were kicked out for "conduct
> > unbecoming." Or, if they really can't hide the fact
> > that the person left on their own, to portray them
> > as crazy.
> Oddly enough, the "cult" did neither in Chopra's
> case.

But Judy this is what the cult does every single day, I've seen it so 
many times. It's just one aspect of why I can't tkae them seriously 

Tapes with Chopra on aren't allowed to be played at meetings, 
practise of Chopras techniques is discouraged. Why do they do that if 
it's all smiles between them?

The first time I heard about him a "governor" took me to one side and 
whispered "chopra was a man who stole all MMYs ideas and left to make 
money out of them, it's best not to talk about him" these people 
really believe that he is a "rackshasa" who spurned MMY and therefore 
isn't worthy of mention. What Turq was pointing out is this need of 
people to have an "us and them" approach to it. It doesn't matter if 
it's not official if it's all you ever hear.

Another example, Peter Wright wrote the book on TM that got me 
interested, but mention his name and you get a comment like "we don't 
recommend that book because he isn't into TM anymore" which is stupid 
enough as it is but the reason he's another persona non grata is 
because he described MMY as one guru among many. That's it, that's 
all it was. The cultmaniacs in the TMO see this as a betrayal. I 
think he's got the facts on his side and that is just too much for 
TMers to comprehend, the possibility there may be another path just 
blows a fuse somewhere, it scares them. Why is that? It's either what 
MMY wants them to think or he doesn't know they do it. As far as I'm 
concerned it's bullshit either way.

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