And when you awoke from that jnanasana dream, did you realize it was
but a dream, and that, well, even a child can have a dream, any dream,
or are you saying it was as real as real can be?  

Consider that even a hypnotist can get people barking like dogs on
stage, or see Blue Pearls within (if the suggestion is worded nicely
and the person is especially able to be hypnotized.)  How does one
differentiate a Blue Pearl as seen within by a yogi from a Blue Pearl
seen in a child's dream and from a hypnotically induced delusion of a
Blue Pearl??????  Now you're talking about a delicate use of words and
the bringing in of many other concepts, eh?

But, even the "true" Blue Pearl must be eschewed -- one must penetrate
Krishna's Skin, dissolve past blueness, pass the fierce guards of
bliss and enter Vikuntha and settle down "forever" -- until time
itself, all of it, is too brief.

But, no matter the author's clarity, no matter the skill of the words,
differentiation is a tarbaby, for all dreams come to the same thing: a
robot diddling itself.  

If you're thinking about God, well, stop it!!!!

But, oh, once I would have put up another 1000 "Become Superman"
posters in an all Christian small town to earn the shakti-points to
get a glimpse of Blue Boy Christ.


  --- In, "Samadhi Is Much Closer Than
You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?"
> Great find, thanks for the link.
> After a year or so of meditation, I used to wake up from subtle
dreams in a
> horizontal version of jnanasana, either leg crossed and either arm,
> complementary to the folded leg, extended parallel to the floor and
> the head.  In the dreams I'd wake up from I'd witness an oval-shaped
> orb, polished, above my head [lengthwise], my hand in my dream polishing
> this blue orb tenderly while contemplating the enormity of the
universe and
> the ubiquity of love.  At this time I'd also learned a lesson in tattva
> dharana and within weeks was able to pass my hand along the front of the
> body, feeling the radiance of each chakra, while in this dream state
I could
> feel the projective radiance of the "eighth" chakra around a foot or
> above my head.  There was no precedent of occult knowledge about any
> than the basic seven chakras that I had learned of yet.
> *Tantra Psychology
> *
> On 11/20/07, matrixmonitor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > The Blue Pearl
> > a.k.a. Blue Dot, Blue Sphere, Blue Disk, Blue Angel, Blue Flash, Blue
> > Trails
> >
> > … the Blue Pearl [is] the subtlest covering of the individual soul....
> >
> > When we see this tiny blue light in meditation,
> > we should understand that we are seeing the form of the inner Self.
> > To experience this is the goal of human life.
> >
> > [The Blue Pearl] is tiny, but it contains all the different planes of
> > existence.
> >
> > - Swami Muktananda (1

  • ... matrixmonitor
    • ... Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
      • ... Duveyoung
    • ... Peter

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