--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> <snip>
> > > I agree,  You picked out two of the least technical fighters in 
> > UFC. 
> > > But both are champions for another reason, heart.
> > > There have been Karate masters of all schools in the octagon. >>
> > 
> > Incorrect. You don't know a Master ehen you see one because you 
> > not practiced Shotokan and understood what one looks like. There 
> > never been a Shotokan master in the Octagon.
> Lets see over 70 UFCs, Pride which is based in Japan had about 60, 
> K1 has evolved from a full contact Karate tournament into mixed
> martial arts, all of these opportunities to test the claims of
> Shotokan and no one has stepped up to do so?  That says a lot right
> there.  You may be right about no one specifically from Shotokan but
> many hard Ki karate master have fought in these tournaments.>>

You don't understand Shotokan or martial arts Curtis. Go practice it 
for 3 or 4 years, 5 or 6 hard and heafty sessions a week, then get 
back to me. Then you will understand better what a martial art really 
is and how those competitions cannot possibly test what it is 
designed for. It is designed SPECIFICALLY to block and then kill on 
the second blow, third blow on a bad day. Get it yet. That's it. Its 
not designed for TV ratings bullshit.

What you are talking about is like racing a race car against a 
bicycle, only the race car has no gas in it.

Come back in 4 years when you have studied the topic properly.

> I enjoyed having this manly man conversation over beer nuts with you
> Off.  I'm starting to "get" you a little better.  Kind of a Yosemite
> Sam kind of dude aren't you? Entertaining for sure.>>

More of a mix between Bugs Bunny and a little Popeye when I eat ma 
spinach !

You sound more like 'Dylan' from the children's cartoon the Magic 
Roundabout, but you yanks won't know that. He's the scruffy hippy 
dude that hangs out under a tree smking dope and playin' geetar.

In closing:
HAAAAYyyyaaaaaaAAAA !

(Shotakan never EVER make noises like those, I was just playin' 
cartoon karate wit' ya.)


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