It's amazing that so many people (under the rubric of the agency they 
work for or religion they subscribe to -- or both) feel perfectly 
justified in fucking with other people's lives.

Until Nixon announced the war on drugs and created the DEA to enforce 
the (then) newly introduced Controlled Substances Act, it was 
accepted without question that the individual had the constitutional 
right to put pretty much anything into their own body.  A criminal 
act is just as criminal whether one is stone cold sober or under the 
influence of a drug; to criminalize how a person feels after the 
ingestion of a certain chemical rather than how they act (whether or 
not they are intoxicated) is fundamentally wrong-headed, in my 


--- In, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, "Marek Reavis" <reavismarek@>
> wrote:
> >
> > Thanks for posting this piece, Bob.  Seeing firsthand how this so-
> > called war is fought, at least on the jurisdictional battlefields 
> > I've been in, is a scary eye-opener to just how ineffective and 
> > crazy the whole enterprise is.  One of the very worst examples of 
> > how a good intention goes terribly bad is the asset forfeiture 
> > that essentially create self-funding task forces that receive 
> > percentages of property and cash seized from drug arrests.
> > 
> > It makes these multi-agency task forces into freebooters who 
> > from their busts.
> Interestingly, Marek, this has a historical 
> precedent in the 13th century. 
> There was an NGO back then that had the power
> to accuse anyone of the highest crime in the
> land, torture them until they confessed (it was
> a foregone conclusion that if they were accused
> they were guilty), and then execute them and 
> seize all their property and assets. This non-
> governmental organization was called the 
> Inquisition. As a result, the Dominican Order 
> became one of the richest entities in Europe.
> Sadly, whatever amazing boondoggles governments 
> can think up to fuck people over, religions can 
> do better, and chances are they did it first.

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