While "white" people, some, may also enjoy boxing in all its
verities, and while English rules of boxing may be or have
been the foundation of contemporary boxing in North
America, the vast majority of people frothing dementedly
like malignant carcinomas burgeoning forth from within the
bowels of hell for more fighting are certainly biosocially
African-North American and Hispanic-Native American.  A
vast majority of people from other than such cultures
eschew such rampant beastiality.

What's needed, indeed imperative is that those who are born
in human form should both be given full scope to develop
their subtler realms in a progressively vistara-seeking
manner and that morally evolved beings -- not beasts -- be
endowed with decision-making capacities affecting anyone
beyond themselves.  While culture breeds, or can breed such
dispositions and opportunities, it is imperative that
people do so of their own volition, that leadership lay the
foundation for such to be so, and that all of society, in
concert, expect each and every being privileged to have
been born in human form to also live up to the standards of
human evolution extant within society.  Such is not
anchored in form, though how it is expressed, in form, is a
symptom.  This has to do with sentiment, action and
disposition -- arguing about which "group" is superior
demonstrates matters of form, not moral substance.

*Of all that anyone leading or teaching has to convey, the most
valuable thing to cultivate and convey to others is a moral
conscience. Only such persons deserve to lead others, in any capacity.
Anything less is a menace to society.*

>  In a message dated 12/3/07 1:56:01 A.M. Central Standard Time,
>   Let's all blame Off. He's the one who's been
> bragging about being able to kill a guy with
> one punch.
> :-)
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com <FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com>,
> "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Sam Vasquez of Houston may have become the first fighter to die from
> > injuries sustained in mixed martial arts competition in North America.
> >
> > A report by The Fight Network cited the Harris County (Texas) medical
> > examiner's office confirming Vasquez's death at 8:15 p.m. Friday. The
> > cause of death was not released.
> >
> > Vasquez had been battling for his life since taking a hard right to
> > the chin from 21-year old Vince Libardi on Oct. 20 during a Renegades
> > Extreme Fighting show at the Toyota Center in Houston. The blow
> > knocked Vasquez out and he was rushed to St. Joseph Medical Center,
> > where he stayed until moving to hospice care on Monday.
> >
>  No, we need to blame Society. Poor Sam felt some need to learn to fight.
> He got so good at it, that he probably thought he could fight his way out of
> the barrio in a heartless Capitalist society where rich white men could pay
> big bucks, earned off the backs of the working poor, to watch him clobber
> other people doing the same. Karate lessons need to be banned as well as
> professional fighting before someone else gets hurt. We need to do this
> immediately, for the children.:)
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      • ... Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?

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