> In the Atlantic article the author mentions he was told about the
> Afghanistan war back in 1999.  I too heard through a friend that his
> cousin in Navy intelligence said there was a war planned there at that
> time too.

For many years, at least since the lordly reign of the
honorable presumptudunce, Lord RayGun, I have consistently
heard from Marines and Sailors that we were planning for
war in Iraq, despite Iran being more forefront on our
burners back in the day of Ronnie the Dissociative.  And
once Bubba de Elvis was in orifice, vitriolic convulsions
of hatred and contempt erupted from Marines and Sailors
about that "god damned mother-f'ing liberal" be done away
with immediately and that his presence in the W'haus was
interfering with their imperative to wipe out them
"sand-[dwellers]" "over there".

Every time I witnessed such demented tantrum-addicts over
more than two decades I was substantially confused that we
could have so many emotionally and morally disequpoised
grunts, both in our species and in our military, Ooogha
Mooogha.  Some were so demonstrably vicious you knew in the
core of your being that they'd be the first to jump at an
opportunity to 'ssinate the '92 - 2K commander.

These were not a few I witnessed this from, they numbered
in the hundreds.

> Don't forget too that a Pentagon study released a couple years ago that
> said that cold would drive populations from the more northerly areas of
> the earth.  That would really cause some problems.  Imagines the North
> American hordes invading South America?

Perhaps South America, though generally equitorial climates.
In the future the North Pacific will particularly be
frozen, though I don't know yet how far into the future
that will be nor for how long.

> I also believe that when you have overpopulation the only way you can
> make sure that nobody falls through the cracks is to have a certain
> degree of socialism, a safety net so to speak.  Capitalism is just too
> much of a sink or swim situation and many will drown in such a system.
> We're all not made to be entrepreneurs.  But I also say let those with
> such inclinations explore them but only to a a limited degree not the
> absurd accumulation of wealth we see with a tiny portion of the earth's
> population.

This may be a worthy asset while exploring such options:

On 12/3/07, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've believed for years that the planet is overpopulated for it's
> resources.  In many ways humanity, like a growth on a human body, is
> like an infestation on the planet earth.  It is most likely that nature
> herself will put (or is putting) forth forces to cull the population. If
> she doesn't there are certainly more humane methods to bringing the
> human population down over a period of time.  There's where I differ
> with the supposed elite who want to cull humanity through war, disease
> and eugenics.
> I also believe that when you have overpopulation the only way you can
> make sure that nobody falls through the cracks is to have a certain
> degree of socialism, a safety net so to speak.  Capitalism is just too
> much of a sink or swim situation and many will drown in such a system.
> We're all not made to be entrepreneurs.  But I also say let those with
> such inclinations explore them but only to a a limited degree not the
> absurd accumulation of wealth we see with a tiny portion of the earth's
> population.
> The US consumes 25% of the world's resources yet we are only 7% of the
> world's population.  Balance needs to be restored and it won't be
> pretty.  On Black Friday as I wandered through the local Fry's
> superstore I wondered where all these people whose carts were filled to
> the brim and were lined up so deep it would take two hours for them to
> check out, where were they getting the money to buy these things?  My
> bet is most were spending income that is supposed to be there the next
> couple of years.  That might turn out to have been a bad gamble.
> One of the "theories" regarding 9/11 is that there is a war going on
> within the US military.  Two opposing factions are waring with each
> other and 9/11 was part of the war game gone out of control.  That would
> mean we have an unstable military and certainly foreign countries would
> be aware of it.  It is also "theorized" that the B-52 with the nukes
> that flew across the country a couple months back was destined to use
> those in Iraq and there was a mutiny over it (some crew members wound up
> having "accidents.").  That too might be a clue if there is such a thing
> going on.  And I don't think it would be hard to keep it somewhat secret
> and what slips out seems so far fetched people don't pass it on.  They
> just think their relative in the military is telling them a big one.
> In the Atlantic article the author mentions he was told about the
> Afghanistan war back in 1999.  I too heard through a friend that his
> cousin in Navy intelligence said there was a war planned there at that
> time too.
> Don't forget too that a Pentagon study released a couple years ago that
> said that cold would drive populations from the more northerly areas of
> the earth.  That would really cause some problems.  Imagines the North
> American hordes invading South America?
> I never read Watership Down.  May have seen the video but that would
> have been years ago.  So much to read, so much to see, so much to do, so
> little time.
> Angela Mailander wrote:
> > Well, Bhairitu, that was certainly the most interesting interview I've
> seen lately.  How to assess the "reality status" of a media event like that
> is more than an ordinary mortal like me can fathom.  What is really going on
> on this planet in a moment of apparent crisis? Real or imagined?  Judy seems
> to know.  Do you?  Where is the truth to be found?
> >
> > If the thing can be taken at face value, then it is good news, ai'nt
> it?  Unless of course those evil dudes are right: we're herd animals and
> herds need to be culled.  If there's foxes and a thousand other elil making
> sure the rabbit population stays in healthy balance, fine.  But who's gonna
> do it for us if not us?  Right?  Is that their thinking? Put yourself in
> Rocky's place: what would your thinking be, assuming  he wants to rule well,
> yet he means to rule.  His ultimate aim would have to be to keep this planet
> and this world healthy enough to continue to bear our lives in perpetuity?
> Does he likely have information not accessible to us?  Judy seems to think
> government can't keep a secret.  Well, that would depend on the social
> organization of warren, wouldn't it?
> >
> > On the other hand, the available evidence does not rule out ANY point of
> view or ANY possibility, including Bronte's (I hope she's lurking).  In that
> case, of course, we're still herd animals, and they're the elil, well, that
> would be a whole 'nother story, wouldn't it?  According to the Disclosure
> Project we're supposed to believe in space aliens.  And are they
> friendly?  Well, whose story about that would you trust?
> >
> > Have you read Watership Down? It's truly one of the immortal books of
> the 20th century.
> >
> > Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Former Forbes journalist Benjamin Fulford with David Rockefeller:
> >  http://freedomvideo.org/blog/?p=521
> >
> >  How We Would Fight China (overview of military strategies):
> >  http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200506/kaplan
> >
> >  UK Department of Defense Document on strategic trends 2007-2036.  Bet
> >  there is a US one too, bet it is "classified." 6 MB:
> >
> http://www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com/articles/strat_trends_23jan07.pdf
> >
> >  Angela Mailander wrote:
> >  > Any time you have secret societies, especially societies in which the
> higher you go in rank, the more secretive things are, it is impossible to
> know what is really going on.  The public work is for sure not all there is.
> >  >
> >  > Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  >
> >  > On Dec 3, 2007, at 4:41 PM, new.morning wrote:
> >  >
> >  >
> >  > But
> >  >
> >  >>> the thing about Pike is that not only did he predict WWIII, he also
> >  >>> predicted WWI and WWII accurately long before they happened.
> >  >>>
> >  >
> >  > He sounds like quite a guy.
> >  >
> >  >
> >  >
> >  > Most of the stuff you read would technically, from the point of view
> of Masonic scholars, be considered "Anti-Masonry". There was even a
> prominent political movement at one time in USA (particularly prominent in
> my native Pennsylvania) called the "Anti-Masonry Party". IIRC they even
> almost got someone into the White House. Masonic scholarship is no longer
> some fringe thing and we now even have several endowed chairs of Masonic
> research in Europe and in the British Isles not to mention private and
> public Masonic research societies. And to that caliber of scholarship,
> unless there's something serious I missed in my reading of Pike's
> manuscripts, his popular written works and final ritual, it would be
> considered BS. But then I'm not a big AASR Southern Jurisdiction fan or a
> Pike fan (I'm from the Northern Jurisdiction, we're more sattvic :-)).
> They're all modern rites, not truly ancient. If you want to know real old
> Speculative Masonry, you go to the Ancient York Rite, not
> >  the
> >  >  Scottish one.
  • ... Angela Mailander
  • ... Vaj
  • ... new . morning
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  • ... Vaj
  • ... Angela Mailander
  • ... Bhairitu
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  • ... Angela Mailander
  • ... Bhairitu
  • ... Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
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  • ... Vaj
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