There will be many in the world, especially from North
America, who are so out of touch with other cultures they
will not comprehend this message nor the meaning(s) of some
of the words in it, including "surrender" and "mother",
despite some of them having even been born feemale.  In the
vast majority of the world the subtle influences of and
respect for women and motherhood is rich and has much
gravitas in personal and collective life, whereas nowhere in
the world do mothers and motherhood have such vicious disdain
in concept and factuality as in North America where
motherhood, at best, is nothing more than a paradigm of
chauvinistic indemnity and insatiable consumptionism in stark
contrast to nature, to dharma anywhere in the universe as
well as the rest of humanity around the globe.

While I perceive poor word choices in the construction of the
original announcement, ever more do I anticipate vicious
convulsions of presumed and feigned victimhood from many
people who will blow gratuitously from the bowels of
[P]ostured [C]ondescensions blowing in the[ir] windmills of
their static minds. Such are the disabilities of
materialistic minds with petrified hearts aflame with the
last vestiges of life screaming at the world who having been
blessed with the privilege of the how-to of transcendent
meditation yet will not have benefited from it properly, will
not have flowed into the subtler realms of heart and mind for
nothing more than conspicuous consumption has been their
investment in this spiritually and morally liberating mudra
of such a sublime meditation technique.

On 12/5/07, boo_lives <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As resolved on the 22nd of November, the final day of the European
> Assembly of National Leaders, there will now be two wings of
> administration of the Global Country of World Peace—one for men, and
> one for the mothers of men.
> The administration of the mothers' wing of the Movement will be on the
> level of silence functioning within itself. Our administration will
> not be through human endeavour but through human surrender—from where
> silence operates.
> The mothers' wing will offer to every mother in the world the
> opportunity to swing in the value of Saraswati—the Divine Mother,
> Goddess of Knowledge.
> We will offer to every mother the opportunity to be mother at home, at
> home within her own transcendental bliss consciousness.
> There will be a global video connection from 2–8 December, 8:00-9:30
> p.m. Central European Time, so all who are unable to attend can watch
> on the Maharishi Channel, the MOU channel, or via the internet at
  • ... boo_lives
    • ... Rick Archer
    • ... TurquoiseB
      • ... nablusoss1008
        • ... boo_lives
          • ... TurquoiseB
      • ... george_deforest
        • ... boo_lives
        • ... TurquoiseB
    • ... Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
      • ... boo_lives
        • ... Angela Mailander
        • ... TurquoiseB
          • ... new . morning
        • ... Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
    • ... Larry
      • ... nablusoss1008
        • ... boo_lives
          • ... TurquoiseB
            • ... Angela Mailander

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