>From what I've witnessed in life your various assertions
about the socio-religious cults seem to be what I've
witnessed -- when confined within my, and perhaps yours,
hardened and specific values.  There's a spectrum of
perspectives and sentiments humans can experience, and do,
that are out of the purview of any individual, any
hardenedly ensconced cultural paradigm.

Having spanned the spectrum of what I've witnessed among so
many cultures, not "at" those cultures but from "within"
those cultures "before" I wrote my previous remarks, I
spoke and speak of what I've witnessed and am clear of what
I have said.  In fact, the contentious responses I've
witnessed hundreds of thousands of times by and from less
magnanimous minds over the decades were anticipated again
from having posted my remark about other flavors respecting
women, womanhood and motherhood from different paradigms
would be met with culturally chauvinistic convulsions from
less magnanimous minds not positively affected by or less
positively affected by the vistara that proper meditation
brings through its capabilities to harmonize subjectivity
and objectivity, introversion and extroversion to hold more
lovingly truthfulness than any unconscionable vanity of
body harboring cultural chauvinisms within that are denied
without for others deemed inferior or exotic without further
investigation borne of sincerity and magnanimity.

On 12/5/07, boo_lives <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You
> Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > There will be many in the world, especially from North
> > America, who are so out of touch with other cultures they
> > will not comprehend this message nor the meaning(s) of some
> > of the words in it, including "surrender" and "mother",
> > despite some of them having even been born feemale.  In the
> > vast majority of the world the subtle influences of and
> > respect for women and motherhood is rich and has much
> > gravitas in personal and collective life, whereas nowhere in
> > the world do mothers and motherhood have such vicious disdain
> > in concept and factuality as in North America where
> > motherhood, at best, is nothing more than a paradigm of
> > chauvinistic indemnity and insatiable consumptionism in stark
> > contrast to nature, to dharma anywhere in the universe as
> > well as the rest of humanity around the globe.
> Nowhere in the world are females and all aspects of womanhood,
> including motherhood, held in such vicious disdain as in the
> traditional fundamentalist religious sects of Islam, Hinduism and
> Christianity, probably in that order.  Woman and mothers are generally
> respected much more in progressive North America than in much of the
> traditional world.  People who truly understand and respect the
> feminine, including traditions that worship the divine feminine, do
> not restrict the female to the role of mother and do not exclude the
> female from decision-making processes in society.  They also celebrate
> the birth of both girls and boys (there is no distinction between
> mothers of women and mothers of men) - how many millions of baby girls
> are either aborted or even killed after birth in Asia and Africa
> purely for being girls not boys.  And people with half a brain in this
> century have come to understand that flowery religious language about
> woman staying mothers at home has to do with chauvinism not dharma.
> > While I perceive poor word choices in the construction of the
> > original announcement, ever more do I anticipate vicious
> > convulsions of presumed and feigned victimhood from many
> > people who will blow gratuitously from the bowels of
> > [P]ostured [C]ondescensions blowing in the[ir] windmills of
> > their static minds. Such are the disabilities of
> > materialistic minds with petrified hearts aflame with the
> > last vestiges of life screaming at the world who having been
> > blessed with the privilege of the how-to of transcendent
> > meditation yet will not have benefited from it properly, will
> > not have flowed into the subtler realms of heart and mind for
> > nothing more than conspicuous consumption has been their
> > investment in this spiritually and morally liberating mudra
> > of such a sublime meditation technique.
> I sometimes listen to TMO ceremonies and wonder how anybody could sit
> through such long winded glorious sounding nonsense, but clearly there
> are quite a few people who live in that mental state - but anyway, I
> do agree with you that "vicious convulsions of victimhood" are not
> warrented here.  The TMO's trend towards chauvinism has been going on
> since the 80s and it really doesn't matter.  The "Mothers of Men" are
> a few rajeswaris, most of whom aren't mothers of anything, all of whom
> have several hard working servants assigned to them -- that stuff
> about women staying at home floating in bliss applies to women with
> $$$$ only -- and IMO even the Rajas don't really have any power in the
> mov't, except the power to spend their money on projects.
> It's all just play acting - the men in the TMO can dress up like kings
> and design tall phallic buildings all they want as far as I care, but
> how can a sane person not think that Men and Mothers of Men sounds
> like something out of the strangest chapter of the Book of Mormon?
      • ... boo_lives
        • ... TurquoiseB
    • ... george_deforest
      • ... boo_lives
      • ... TurquoiseB
  • ... Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
    • ... boo_lives
      • ... Angela Mailander
      • ... TurquoiseB
        • ... new . morning
      • ... Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
  • ... Larry
    • ... nablusoss1008
      • ... boo_lives
        • ... TurquoiseB
          • ... Angela Mailander
            • ... TurquoiseB
  • ... MDixon6569

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