--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "boo_lives" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, steven klayman <thedoc108@> 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Off world being you are still off as in off your
> > > rocker.
> > > I believe science would have a claim backed up by
> > > evidence of authenticity.
> > > Many thousands of people have paid millions of dollars
> > > to learn to fly. Could you show me some, any,
> > > scientifiic evidence that after over 30 years of
> > > thousands of people practicing the flying technique
> > > for millions of collective hours, that there is a
> > > significant percentage of those people who can fly.
> > > No. I take that back.Can you show me evidence of
> > > anybody who has learned the flying technique from the
> > > TMO who can fly?
> > 
> > Exactly where did OffWorld claim TMers can fly?
> > 
> > Not even the TMO is claiming that. What's the
> > matter with you? You're making his point for him.
> The practice is called "Yogic FLYING" and members of the TMO 
> routinely refers to the practice formally and informally as 
> "FLYING", as in "are
> you FLYING in the dome these days?  The TMO claims that the practice
> has nothing to do with muscles but is "the 1st stage of FLYING".  In
> the early days of Yogic FLYING, the TMO produced a regular cartoon
> called SidhaMan which showed him FLYING through the skies just like
> Superman but only in lotus position.  Bevan and others regularly
> talked about sidhas soon FLYING through the skies and not needing to
> take airplanes.  MMY explained the effect by comparing it to planets
> FLYING through space.  That talk was toned down after several years
> when no progress was observed in the practice, but it is still 
> called Yogic FLYING and its practitioners believe they will all 
> eventually be FLYING through the skies when the TMO succeeds in 
> creating the golden age on earth via Yogic FLYING.
> You are actually making Steve's point about how commitment to a 
> belief system or religous movement blinds you to facts that 
> contradict it.

Or that even contradict themselves.

Over the years it's been clear that Judy's stance
is that the *current* claim of the TMO is all that
matters. If they claim something for years (like 
"CC in 5-7 years" or "Siddhas are really flying") 
and then change their tune, the previous claims 
*never existed* for her. If someone brings them 
up, she consistently tries to steer the discussion 
to *today's* claims.

So it's not just "commitment to a belief system" 
IMO; it's commitment to an *ever-changing* belief
system, and being able to not only follow it where-
ever it goes, but to *forget* that anywhere it's 
been in the past ever happened.

Anyone who was around the TM movement at the time
the siddhis were introduced knows how they were
commonly referred to in official TM documents and
announcements of upcoming courses. Flying was a 
Done Deal, happening on a regular basis. If you
signed up for the course, you'd be flying soon,
too. I consider it likely that Judy even heard
a few of these raps herself, but now she denies
that she ever did. 

The bottom line seems to be that to continue to
believe in a belief system that is a constantly-
moving target, being able to *forget* is a far
more useful skill than being able to remember.

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