Off world, You are way Off he mark on this one.
ihave no intention of having a long running feud wit
hyou ar anyone else.
You dont know me or my points of view. I am not
against science at all.That is a stupid, imbecilic,
ill intended extrapolation.
I am against suckering people into believeing a fairy
tale when their is self serving claims that cannot be
supported by scientific evidence like 5-8 years t oCC
or paying thousnads of dollars to learn to hop and NOT
i continue t o meditate several hours each day because
i love it and because i do believe much of the
original research about breathe rate and heart rate
and cortisol levels. My health has been fabulous and I
attribute it greatly to TM.
As far as some of the  scams (like $50 for a $5 bottle
of amrit or the $million course and this Raja nonsense
and the World Govt, etc etc) i think itis a tragedy
and very unfortunate that so many people feel taken,
and rightly so. 
i spent 2 hours with Dr. Trigunas son. I am indebted
to his dad forever for what the y have done for me and
my family, and to MMY for bringing him t o America.
They just wanted t opractic eayurved, not be a money
machine for the movement. That is what he told me.
They told MMY to stay out of politics.  It turned out
to be another in a long list of misadventures wasting
peoples time and resources.
i think you could see how people have become disgusted
with the whole thing. you can go back to the same well
just so often and then finally the well runs dry.
we all loved MMY so much in the old days but you cant
keep doing that stuff to people forever and expect
them to continue to follow. 

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