Angela Mailander wrote:
> I do respect the feelings for your country that you 
> have expressed. 
"When four of the world's premier jet fighters crash, the 
military pays attention. When every F-15 in the world is 
ordered to stay on the ground, the rumor mill gets in gear." 

Read more:

'The Real Story Behind the F-15 Stand-Down: News Analysis'
By Joe Pappalardo
Popular Mechanics, November 16, 2007

"And what are the chances that an operation of such size--
it would surely have involved hundreds of military and 
civilian personnel--could be carried out without a single 

'Why the 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Won't Go Away'
By Lev Grossman
Time, Sunday, Sep. 03, 2006

"Recently, Rosie O'Donnell, a co-host of ABC talk show The View, 
made comments on the show that renewed controversy over the 
collapse of World Trade Center 7."

"I do believe that it's the first time in history that fire has 
ever melted steel." - Rosie O'Donnell 

Read more:

'Rosie O'Donnell 9/11 Conspiracy Comments'
Popular Mechanics, March 30, 2007

"America was NOT "under attack" when those first alerts 
were received; certainly ATC and FAA had NO WAY of knowing 
so early in the proceedings that the jets which had broken 
communications and gone off-course were part of any "attack."


'Air Defenses Stood Down On 911'
By R. Anderson
Rense, 12-23-1

"The article also makes no mention whatsoever of the numerous 
war games scheduled for the morning of 9/11 which confused 
air defense personnel as to the true nature of the attack as 
it unfolded, as is documented by the recent release of the 
NORAD tapes."


'Debunking Popular Mechanics' 9/11 Lies'
By Paul Joseph Watson
PrisonPlanet, August 10 2006

"This absurd idea that NORAD had no radar coverage over much 
of the continental US is distilled from the 9/11 Commission 
Report. Predictably, the article makes no mention of evidence 
that war games were planned for the day of 9/11/01."

'Popular Mechanics Attacks Its "9/11 LIES" Straw Man'
by Jim Hoffman
9-11 Research, February 9, 2005

"These theories are generally not accepted as credible by 
political leaders, mainstream journalists, and independent 
researchers who have concluded that responsibility for the 
attacks and the resulting destruction rests solely with Al 


'September 11, 2001 attacks'

"Scientific American, Popular Mechanics, and The Skeptic's 
Dictionary have published articles that debunk various 
9/11 conspiracy theories."

'Claims that US defenses were deliberately disabled'

Claim: FEMA workers were dispatched to New York City on 
the evening of 10 September 2001, which proves the federal 
government had advance knowledge of the September 11 
terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center.

Status: False.


Snopes, October 1, 2002 

'Internet hoaxes'

"News of the devastating terrorist attacks on the World 
Trade Center and Pentagon swept across the Internet at 
light speed on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001. 
So did rumor, gossip and hearsay."

'Rumor Watch: 9/11 Terrorist Attack on U.S.'

'Complete 9/11 Commission Report'

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