thanks for your courteous reply.  Because of it, you deserve a well-considered 
answer, and you shall have it.  Give me a little time, though, because I've got 
duties today that must be attended to.  I do respect the feelings for your 
country that you have expressed. 

"Richard J. Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                               
Angela Mailander wrote:
 > According to sources that at least seem credible,
 Which sources would that be?
 > my information is that there were exercises going 
 > on that day
 Over New York City?
 > in which simulated high-jacked planes were in the 
 > air, so that people were confused about real world 
 > events and simulated events.  
 According to what I've read, any jet fighters would 
 have had only a few minutes to fly into New York City 
 airspace, locate the hijacked airliners, whose 
 transponders had been turned off, and shoot them down. 
 But apparently ATC didn't even make a phone call until 
 8:37 am EST to inform NEADS that Flight 11 was hijacked. 
 The first plane hit the WTC at 9:03 am. The nearest 
 airbase is Otis Air Force Base in Falmouth, Mass., and 
 Langley Air National Guard Base in Hampton, Va. How long 
 does it take for a F-15 to fly from Mass. or Va. to New
 What do you think?
 > I also read that we normally have surveillance planes 
 > in the air 24/7, but on that day of days, they were 
 > down, which would be an extraordinary co-incidence.  
 According to Popular Mechanics, there were fourteen
 jet fighters aloft in the U.S. at the time of the attack.
 > Now, listen, William, I am willing to have a real 
 > conversation about this, but I am not willing to 
 > engage in the kind of oneupmanship pissing contest 
 > that Judy, for example, likes to have, in which 
 > somebody has to be wrong.  I am not interested in 
 > that kind of conversation.  And it seems your 
 > questions have that tone. 
 You brought up the subject, Angela, and it seemed like
 you were trying to suggest that the 9/11 attacks were
 an inside job. I find that offensive that 3000 people 
 died at the hands of elements within our own government.
 And I've seen no evidence to support such a claim.
 > Am I wrong? 
 You can't prove a negative: do you have any evidence
 that the 9/11 attacks were an inside job? Your main
 source said that NORAD could have scrambled jet fighters
 to what, shoot down the hijacked airliners over New
 York City?
 Richard J. Williams wrote:                               
 > > > So, how many U.S. jet fighters were airborne 
 > > > at the time of the attack and where were they 
 > > > located?
 > > >

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