Hello Jeffrey,

Levitating our own bodies, another life form's or a [seemingly] inanimate
object will have to do, in part, to quantum physics.  Today physicists are
inclined to perceive gravity as a field or fields of waves, much the same as
magnetic waves as we see with iron filings on a sheet of paper with an
elongated magnet on the other side of the paper.  Thus, reorienting such
fields can and will result in levitating oneself or others.

How this can be done can seem rather clinical, though it must be said that,
other than an emergency, yet even within emergencies as well, levitation, at
best, results from sublime love steady and constant.  More exactingly, and
demonstrative of this steady love, the key players in yogic terms of causing
levitation include, at the forefront of its cause:  pratyahara, dharana,
pranayama, and ishvara pranidhana.

Levitation can also be a symptom of raising the kundalini above the third
chakra.  The quakes some people experience during deep concentration, the
ones that seem like the Earth is shaking when in fact it is not occur when
the kundalini transcends the upper portions of the 3rd chakra on its way to
the 4th.

When you experience levitation it will resemble, greatly so, the feelings of
fluent flying in your dreams.  Everyone does it, though not everyone
remembers doing it when they are awake.  For people who do remember flying
in their dreams, and even more so when they are lucidly aware of flying
while it's happening and have learned to control their flight, can choose
their location and destination and the company they keep while flying, the
feeling they get while flying in their dreams closely resembles what it
feels like when levitating.  At the moments when levitation occurs,
something of an effervescent sparkle flutters from the top of the belly
below the sternum up to, at least, the heart, and quite probably the throat,
lips and into the nostrils.  It may even feel like you are inhaling
something special at such moments, something subtly sweet and soft as well
as effervescent, and a sweet juice exudes below the tongue.

While Sci-fi special effects on TV may or may not come from someone who has
actually experienced what is portrayed in the movies, that light show you
see in the torsos of people on Star Trek when teleporting is just beginning
closely resembles the kinesthetic experience you have just as levitation,
and other occult capabilities, are about to begin.  If you are comfortable
with flying in your dreams, and you can create the experience while awake,
you are most of the way toward inducing levitation for the prana is flowing
just right to make it reality for you.  Subtle confirmation within that you
accept the opportunity to fly physically will help create the reality.

When a person, early in their practice in making levitation real, is feeling
the moment when it seems about to occur, preserving the equilibrium of both
mind, body and prana, mudras may facilitate fulfilling the occurrence,
especially of arms and eyes.  Most likely arms close to and in front of the
chest will facilitate levitation during wakefulness, and typically, while
eyes are open or closed, they may be moved up and back even while looking
straight ahead or upwards.  The eyes serve as a controlling device, a tuner,
much like the tongue does, especially when applied to the roof of the
mouth.  It's often found that looking down, especially too quickly or out of
shock when realizing you are levitating will force your body to the ground
too quickly, so be careful with your gaze and eye direction till you gain
more experience through practice.  A common way of buffering a fall from
gazing downward will be to look straight ahead and extend your arms out from
your belly as though they were laid upon the arms of an armchair, palms
downward applying mild pressure.  With practice arm or leg mudras will not
be necessary anymore.

As for the mundane physics of levitation, it may become a bit more common
within our lifetimes.  The magnetic resonance of Earth, called the Schumann
factor, has been measured and just a few decades was marked at 32 [of what I
don't remember], while the magnetic resonance of humans is typically in the
low 20s.  [If there's a name for human magnetic resonance I don't remember
what it is, please post what it is if anyone knows.]  Currently the magnetic
resonance of Earth is somewhere in the mid or low 20s.  The closer these two
match, the greater an increase such synchrony will synergize to facilitate
many occult capabilities of humans, even for those who are not well
practiced or well prepared for their occurrence.  With such a matching
resonance empathy across the planet will be hugely enhanced as will
communication with others harmonic within this matrix.  This is very likely
going to happen within our lifetimes.

Any questions?  Contact me.

On 8/12/07, Jeffrey Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  All,
> I just joined this group today and have a couple of questions.  Mainly I
> am interested in Yogic flying.  I have been researching gravity modification
> for years and am studying the relationship between harmonic energies and
> anti-gravity from a scientific standpoint, but I am also
> spiritually-minded.  I have read much about crystal levitation and saint
> levitation (most often unexpected and unwanted experiences), but know very
> little about levitating monks.  Could anyone in here explain the
> philophy/understanding of this and if it relates to "harmony," "harmonics"
> or the like?
> I would greatly appreciate any insight.
> Thanks,
> Jeff
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