--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > P.S. Same goes for those who never even *became* TM
> > teachers and who dare to criticize the anger and
> > disappointment of those who did the WORK while they 
> > sat on their fat asses doing NOTHING for the TM move-
> > ment for decades.
> Sorta like how you sat on your fat ass for decades
> doing nothing in the political arena to help elect
> good people to office, then fled the country to sit
> on your fat ass in France and now Spain and shoot off
> your fat mouth about how awful U.S. leaders are, huh?

The day that your country elects leaders that
stop its wars, stop its rape of the resources
of the planet, and provide for a decent life-
style and health care for *all* of its citizens,
on that day you can talk to me about "staying
and doing something."

Until then, you're just one more blowhard in
a nation full of them.

I prefer countries where the people still believe
they can change things, and thus do. Unlike...uh...
some I could mention, they don't just talk, talk,
talk about how everything's going to change. They
just change things.

IF America has an election in 2008, it will just 
be more of the same, because you people who "stayed 
behind to do things" don't ever. You just *talk* 
about doing things.

Hmmm. Sounds remarkably like TM TBs' relationship 
with "flying" and with the realization of their
own enlightenment, now that I think about it...  :-)

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