Boo_Lives, Clinton was in the hardest position, in some ways, since she was the 
runner who got seriously trounced.  To project confidence and enthusiasm when 
just fell on your face is a hard trick to pull off and I think that under those 
circumstances she did very well, re-casting the votes as a "victory for 
(which it was, of course, as the total votes cast indicate).

As far as Huckabee is concerned I have no illusions as to how his agendas would 
actually play out should he somehow manage to get elected; I was commenting on 
how he projected in his speech which I found to be very personable, very 
and with genuine warmth and intelligence.  I found myself responding to him as 
person and I think that type of personality and character will be very 
appealing to lots 
of voters.  In contrast, I found Romney to be perfectly blow-dried and packaged 
in his 
speech, almost Stepford-ish.  I think Huckabee might have more substantial legs 
he's being given credit for.  McCain is too tired, I believe, to last past 
February 5 
without some substantial and unequivocal wins that don't seem likely to happen.


--- In, "boo_lives" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, "Marek Reavis" <reavismarek@>
> wrote:
> >
> > Can't help but comment on tonight's speeches.  Edwards was good,
> Clinton was 
> > better (IMO) and very gracious, and Huckabee was really excellent
> and presented 
> > himself as a very good, compassionate and intelligent man, sincerely
> so, I really liked 
> > him.
> I thought Clinton's totally lacked energy and enthusiasm and didn't
> come close to Edward's and Obama's in capturing the democratic mood at
> this point 7 yrs into Bush/Cheney.  Huckabee's talk could be summed up
> by his slogan banner shown behind him "I Like Mike" - good for a high
> school student council race but not leader of the world's only
> superpower.  As far as his compassion, he ran ads in Iowa critizing
> Romney for not executing more people while governor.  This of course
> is his attempt to deflect criticism of his pardoning a serial rapist
> who went out and killed/raped again - he released the guy based on
> insane clinton conspiracy rumors (clinton having put the guy away). 
> > But Obama totally hit it out of the park.  He gave a deeply
> inspiring presentation and 
> > his oratorical skills, commenting as an admiring practitioner of the
> craft, absolutely 
> > eclipsed all others, even someone as practised as Edwards is.  I
> think it's entirely 
> > possible that he fundamentally changed the campaign; he certainly
> did so for me.  He 
> > seems to be a fine character.  Gorgeous family.  Money in the bank.
>  Looking forward 
> > to New Hampshire and South Carolina.
> >

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