Turq, that archive of the Internet pages blew my mind!  I didn't know
about this amazing resource, thanks!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just as a followup to something promised and never
> delivered, Lou makes some extraordinary claims about
> the percentage of his past predictions that have "come
> true." When asked on this forum to provide the *full*
> versions of such past preditions, not just the one or
> two cherrypicked items that did happen among an unknown 
> number of predictions that didn't happen, Lou said that 
> he was trying to find the full text of his predictions 
> from previous years, and would post it when he found them.
> That never happened, for what some might feel are obvious 
> reasons.
> For those interested, the Internet Archive's "Wayback
> Machine" still *has* copies of all of Lou's past public 
> predictions, at:
> http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.yogavisionaries.com
> Anyone interested in proving the validity or non-
> validity of Lou's predictions, or of astrological prediction 
> in general, need go no further than this site to find research 
> material.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m2smart4u2000 <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Maybe you already saw this:
> > http://www.yogavisionaries.com/future.php
> > So, with all that has been said here are the predictions for 2008. 
> > 
> > Some of the predictions I made for 2007 will continue on through the 
> > end of 2009. The first contact of UFO landings of a large kind I am 
> > predicting will be from June 2009 through the beginning of 2010. This 
> > is not a guarantee because they will not have a mass landing if the 
> > auric field of the earth is still filled with stress and fear. 
> > 
> > However, the spring of 2009 brings about a very spiritual energy that 
> > is much different than what we have felt over the last eight years. 
> > 
> > The Political energy is starting to percolate. In 2008 a new 
> > Presidential candidate will take on the highest seat of the land. I 
> > am predicting that Hillary Rodham Clinton will not only win the 
> > Democratic nomination but will choose Senator Barak Obama as her 
> > running mate and this team will represent the next eight years of 
> > politics. 
> > 
> > The reason that Hillary is going to win is threefold. 
> > 
> > Firstly, Pluto is moving into Capricorn for the first half of 2008 
> > and returning by the end of 2008 and strongly influencing 2009. Pluto 
> > belongs to Scorpio. Hillary is not only a Scorpio but she has 
> > transiting Pluto moving into her 7th house of public recognition 
> > where it has not been since she started her political career. This 
> > gives her the needed personification of power to gain attention. 
> > 
> > The second reason for her winning is the 7th house also rules one to 
> > one partnerships and marriage so Bill Clinton becomes the main backup 
> > supporter during her campaign. Not a bad person to have on your side 
> > if you want to win an election. He will be in one state campaigning 
> > for her while she is in another. 
> > 
> > Thirdly, the Goddess energy becomes stronger as Pluto moves into 
> > Capricorn and tears down the old model of patriarchal domination. 
> > Pluto belongs to Shiva and in the Hindu religion Shiva is the 
> > spiritualizer or transformer. What appears to be death and chaos on 
> > the surface is Shiva pouring his energies into the government bodies 
> > of the world and allowing a new model of government to be formed for 
> > and by the people. 
> > 
> > Since Pluto will be transiting (moving) through Capricorn in the 
> > beginning degrees for the next couple of years Hillary Clinton could 
> > find herself inheriting a mess as she starts off 2009 as the next 
> > president. I predict that America will be in a recession by the time 
> > the November of 2008 election starts. 
> > 
> > Pluto rules petroleum oil and we could see problems with terrorists 
> > worldwide attacking oil reserves to the point that it drives the 
> > price per barrel up and we are paying over $5.00 a gallon or more 
> > when all is said and done. This could happen in the spring or summer 
> > time of 2008. And when you have a recession, high energy costs and a 
> > war going on all at the same time during an election who is to blame? 
> > The Republican president which means the Republican party has no 
> > chance. 
> > 
> > By the spring of 2009, Hillary and Obama will try to form grassroots 
> > organizations and also work with already established organizations to 
> > solve most of the stress and imbalances that an unhealthy economy can 
> > create. Creating villages everywhere of 50 to 100 people that network 
> > with each other on a daily basis. Bartering service for service and 
> > moving away from a co-dependent relationship with the federal 
> > government and the IRS. Moving away from a taxing system to one that 
> > is self sufficient by allowing people to exchange energy with one 
> > another as a service oriented model of sharing rather than taking and 
> > owning. 
> > 
> > When this happens the energy will be freed up and the stress levels 
> > will diminish and prepare for a mass landing of UFO´s from other 
> > races. The Pleiadians at this point are the most protective of planet 
> > earth and will be working with all of the governments of the 
> > intergalactic councils and the government bodies of planet earth to 
> > set up a much different life than what we have seen over the last 
> > 26,000 years. 
> > 
> > This is not a guarantee. The collective madness needs to be calmed 
> > down and stabilized before we can have a mass contact. Therefore, 
> > this whole scenario could get delayed as it has in the past. A mass 
> > landing was predicted by Sheldon Nidle in 1995 and 1996 and it has 
> > not happened. We have a better chance of it happening in the summer 
> > of 2009 and if not then we may have to wait till 2012 or 2015. 
> > 
> > We have seen instability in the elements regarding tornadoes, fires, 
> > earthquakes and floodings. This will continue but we have seen the 
> > hurricane season soften. The prayers and meditations from everyone 
> > are changing the aggressive behavior of Mother Nature. The world 
> > still awaits a massive tsunami in the pacific basin that will push 
> > Lemuria back up to the surface of the ocean. This will reveal a huge 
> > chunk of history. 
> > 
> > As Neptune and Uranus continue their mutual reception we will 
> > continue to see spiritual grassroots organizations grow. Knowledge of 
> > the spirit has been missing for a long time and is needed to educate 
> > humanity on how to make life simpler. Teachers like Elkhart Tolle, 
> > Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Deepak Chopra, Christian Northrop and many 
> > others will be gaining in recognition as more and more people look 
> > for answers that they never received from their education regarding 
> > how spirit energy works in life. Also, those born under the signs of 
> > Pisces, Aquarius, Virgo and Capricorn will experience the most change 
> > this year. 
> > 
> > Also Goddess teachers like Mother Meera and Ammachi will be having 
> > more recognition. They will show the world can be healed if there is 
> > more compassion in the family of humanity. 
> > 
> > Those born under the sign of Capricorn who are of age could pass 
> > over. Pluto is also considered the planet of death and helps those 
> > who are born under this sign or have Capricorn influence in their 
> > chart to make that final transition. Many great spiritual teachers 
> > have a Capricorn influence. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is the founder of 
> > the TM technique and could be one of the great spiritual leaders that 
> > passes on this year. 
> > 
> > Saturn has moved into the sign Virgo as of September of 2007 and this 
> > combination is for rebuilding the health care system. Saturn can also 
> > create endings of one system to build another. Hillary Clinton wants 
> > universal healthcare and for people to pay for it. Well, the money 
> > will not be there. It never has been there. And we need emphasis on 
> > holistic healthcare which will start to gain in recognition in the 
> > spring of 2009. Yoga, massage therapy, acupressure, meditation, etc. 
> > These things can calm a person down and allow the body to heal 
> > itself. We will still need traditional medical advice when the body 
> > needs emergency help. 
> > 
> > Overall it is a good year. There will be challenges in the economy 
> > and the war in Iraq will end by the summer of 2009. It will take a 
> > completely dominated Democratic body of government that is more 
> > feminine and soft to open up to new and innovative ways of running 
> > government. There is always the possibility of governments trying to 
> > take over people´s lives with Pluto in Capricorn but this could get 
> > stopped by unexpected natural disasters as this is a time when Mother 
> > Nature has lost her patience with men who are not balanced in their 
> > male and female polarities. 
> > 
> > All in all a great year is ahead of us. Continue your prayers and 
> > meditations for a world filled with love and
> >

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