you have some growing up to do, sir-- answers below:

--- In, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For me the reason one would inquire as to the Nature of Mind is 
> it allows one to see the illusion of self built on self-and-
> the codependent arising of the virtual self. That insight allows 
> Ethical Know-How to arise as a direct experience. 

ethics are a belief, not a naturally arising direct experience. and 
belief is the antithesis of experience.

Once one begins see  
> self as largely fragmented, transitory--inescapably so--the 
> 'not-doing' of mindfulness fosters a freedom from conditioned 
> of mind which further fosters increased mindfulness in more and 
> areas of our life. Eventually we realize there is no self in any 
> our interactions--an experience which can be quite unnerving at 

who is realizing this?
> But once one 'gets used to' this more unified, less self-centered  
> perspective and the mind relaxes more and more into awareness, 

"relaxes into awareness"? makes no sense. awareness IS; no 
rleaxation necessary.

> natural sense of warmth and inclusiveness begins to appear 

> Self interest naturally is replaced with interest in others. 

did you memorize this?

The full  
> realization of our innate groundlessness or empty-nature cannot 
> without that sense of warmth. 

who has brainwashed you into this? someone is guessing at this, and 
making the assumption that what is true with the contaminated mind 
is true with a clean mind, only more so. Sort of how to gain 
liberation, in terms of bondage. real BS.

Eventually we understand that the  
> Nature of Mind, of groundlessness, is compassion. So it's really  
> about coming into contact with our own Ethical Know-How--our 
> virtue. We had it all along.

what a huge load of bullsh*t. stinky.

> The reason some systems of meditation place an emphasis on 
> behavior isn't because they want us to be good boys and girls, 
> because it's easier to grasp empty nature, our groundlessness, if 
> mimic it's natural qualities. 

oh really? LOL-- again, "learn from the lessons of prison, for they 
will apply when you are free". stinky.

The relative Awakened Heart is the  
> basic starting point for realizing the absolute Awakened Heart.

what?!!? "the relative Awakened Heart"--are you f*ckin' kidding me???
> Absolute Awakened Heart allows Virtue to arise relatively as 
> spontaneous appropriate action beyond naive compassion.

someone has sold you a real load, Mr Vaj. you've probably been 
studying this stuff for years-- I've got a big hint for you- make a 
big u-turn and run for your life!

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