The Uniqueness Lie: Exposing the Lies of TM research, one at a time.

The uniqueness lie and the hypometabolic lie.

Question: Does TM, as is still touted in TM tracts, produce a  
"hypometabolic" state, i.e a 16% drop in oxygen consumption?

Answer: No.

3 groups of 9 TM meditators were studied to see if the claim of 16%  
decrease in oxygen consumption could be replicated. The sample  
included both males and females and novice as well as long-term TMers.

Researchers found TM did not produce Wallace's claims of -16% O2  
consumption. Researchers Pagano and Warrenburg instead found the  

"As one reviews the data...the outstanding features are the similarity  
of and relatively small changes in VO2 which occurred during practice  
of TM...The 4% decrease in VO2 found during treatment for the TM group  
is considerably less than Wallace's reported 16% decrease and calls  
into question his claim that the state produced by TM is  

Meditation: In Search of a Unique Effect. Robert R. Pagano and Stephen  

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