
Poet is more your style than, say, educator. So many of your words are
"so wide" that I feel less resonance.  Your call to arms leaves me
asking, "What arms?"

At the 1971 Humboldt course, a hippie got up to the mike and braced
Maharishi with the fact that (I think it was) Krishnamurti was
insisting that nothing -- NOTHING -- could be done to reach God, and
that "one must not have a futile intent."

Maharishi said, "You notice this word "must."

We all laughed.

You call to us, Ben, but what did you use as your EXACT method to rise
to the subtle airs to which your kite has soared?

I've attached a paper cup to the string that anchors your wood and
paper soul.  I'm placing that cup to my ear now . . . 


--- In, Ben Gilberti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Many years ago I discovered that wholehearted surrender to "Thy will
be done" can result in a very deep awareness of God's allness.  Why? 
 Because that's what God wills – that His Allness be known.   And once
it was known, my life became wonderful in many great ways.  When
you're sure God is all there is, your experience becomes rich with
harmony, freedom, discovery, revelation, wonder, delight, love,
healing, miracles, beauty, all that stuff. 
>   But then I eventually came to rest on my laurels and fell back to
sleep.  My deep awareness of God's allness shriveled into just an
idea, an idea that became diluted with other ideas that made me dream
illusions, until the illusions became dreadful enough to motivate me
to surrender once again. 
>   That's happened four times in 30 years.   The last time it
happened I sank so deep into despair that my friends had to work hard
to get me out; nudging, wooing, inspiring, nuking, encouraging,
confronting till I finally could see what I needed to do.   What I
needed to do was become humble enough to dump the baloney and return
once again to wholehearted desire that "Thy will be done."  
>   When I listen, God reveals His will to be always the same.  What
God wills is awareness of His allness, not just as an idea, but as a
deep realization.  It can only happen by listening, because only God
can reveal it.  But I listened.  And it happened.  
>   So, with a new deep awareness that God is all, it was once again
clear there's nothing to be concerned about, no reason to despair, and
that released the illusions that despair and concern held in place,
and allowed my life once again to reflect God's intent. 
>   Now if I get sloppy again, I'll fall back asleep.  The only way
I'll be able to stay awake is to keep listening to God.  That's the
only way awareness of God's allness will remain deep enough to allow
His will to be done.  That's simple enough.  So why didn't I keep
listening before?
>   Well, listening right now, here's what I hear, "don't look back or
you'll turn to a pillar of salt." 
>   Thanks for listening, 
>   Ben
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