Maybe Obama isn't exactly what he seems to be.  His wife is a member of the 
Council on Foreign Relations.

----- Original Message ----
From: Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 1, 2008 3:57:51 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Obama's running mate?

Who would Obama pick?

(Repugnant topic alert -- even racist to suggest it needs to be
considered, but today, I think it holds water.) Concept: the more
threatening to the plutocracy that the VP selection is, the less
likely that Obama will be assassinated. Obama could be killed just
like Bobby if he makes it too clear that he'll cost GlobalBiz any profits.

Maybe a slavering ultra lefty like Ramsey Clark/Noam Chompsky/Cindy
Sheehan, or an African American with the credentials of, say, Al
Sharpton would do the trick. 

Or a Muslim.

Or, hey, WHY NOT HIS WIFE? Yeah, that's the ticket.

Any of the above choices would be so odious to the electorate that
even McCain could beat that ticket.

So, does that leave John Edwards, Biden, Kathleen Sebelius, Tim Kaine,
Tom Daschle?

My pick: Ron Paul -- only Ron Paul scares Death Inc. more than Obama.

I keep thinking Bloomberg and Gore will swoop out from behind the
curtains any second now and make a mockery of the primary-process. If
Bloomberg runs, he could win.

If Hillbillery gets the nod, I may have to move to Canada -- as if
they'd have me. We're all ugly Americans to most of the world's
decent folks -- BushCo happened on our watch, and we, we posted at
sites like this one with a voiced ferocity that is only matched by the
war cries heard from a bowl of Rice Crispies. We snapped, we crackled,
we popped, oh, we bad mofos we is.


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