I think a Barak/Hilary or Hilary/Barak ticket would put the whipass on the
jiveass party pimps, or even more, "reaching across the aisle":

Obama/McCain or McCain/Obama,
Clinton/McCain or McCain/Clinton,
Obama/Paul or Paul/Obama,
Clinton/Paul or Paul/Clinton,
Obama/Bloomberg or Bloomberg/Obama,
Clinton/Bloomberg or Bloomberg/Clinton.

I understand that David Rocketfellah has preordained Hilary as winner [screw
the ballot boxes, but of course], though wouldn't Bloomberg be synchopatia
with heir Rocketfellah too?

Well, that's not the final question ... in this religious country, the final
question is "who would Jesus vote for?"

On 2/1/08, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Did you watch the debate last night? There was thunderous applause when
> the two candidates were asked if they would consider one another as running
> mates.
  • ... Duveyoung
    • ... Rick Archer
      • ... Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
    • ... Angela Mailander
      • ... Duveyoung
      • ... authfriend
        • ... lurkernomore20002000
          • ... lurkernomore20002000
            • ... Sal Sunshine
              • ... do.rflex
              • ... ruthsimplicity
                • ... authfriend

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