----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ben Gilberti 
  Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2008 2:39 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] What Is Not A Thought

  This is just a very tiny insight. 

  What is not a thought?  What's more real than thought?

  Now don't get excited, this insight is very tiny.  

  Consider this.  2+2=4     Is that a thought?   

  Here's the thing.   You clearly can have the thought 2+2=4, that's obvious.   
BUT IT'S NOT JUST A THOUGHT!    The only reason that the thought 2+2=4 is of 
any interest is because IT REPRESENTS A PRINCIPLE!    

  A principle is a thought as well. And by the way: The proof for 2+2 being 4  
is depending on your underlying principles (axiomatics). And these are just 
thoughts :-).

  And 2+2 can also be more, if you look from the point of view of quality (see 
Maharishi effect as best example).

  The principle is that if you put together two of anything twice you going to 
ALWAYS get four.    

  The reason why that principle is not a thought, even though you can only 
think of it AS a thought, is because that principle is ALWAYS TRUE regardless 
of whether anyone thinks it or not.  

  Nothing can be true without having been thought. The moment you do not think 
it, it is just not there, not existing.

  And it's true at all times, in all places, and under all conditions. 

  That is a postulate but not a truth as such. A truth is always relative, 
depending of preceding prerequisites. If it was absolute it would not be a 

   So it's a universal principle.  And it would still be true even if everyone 
in the universe was convinced that 2+2=5.   Wouldn't matter.  The principle 
would still be just as true.  

  This is not a proper argument. The universality of a principle is not 
dependent on a wrong or false believe. It is dependent on raised theories, 
which can be either verified or falsified. But if you think they would be true, 
then this is just a believe.

  Like I say, it's tiny. But it may have enormous implications.  It would mean 
that LIFE is intimately connected with universal principle.  

  Seems to be the case.

  Now consider this.  All the protons, neutrons, electrons and all the stuff 
those fellas do, are are all described by mathematical principles that define 
all their characteristics.  In fact some Physicists say that they're only 
"occasions of characteristics" themselves, or in other words, only occasions of 
principle.  Principle that was just as real in the middle ages when no one had 
any THOUGHTS about it, principle that is no more real now that 834 Atomic 
Physicists are thinking thoughts about it all the time. 

  It may have been real, but that is our thought. Therefore a principle is a 
thought :-).

  So what, Ben?  Just like principle is beyond all thought, Life is beyond all 
your insights.  Life isn't something to understand, you hopeless egghead; Life 
is something to be experienced.  

  I do not know, what the egg-head said, but he is right: Life is insight, life 
is thought, life is experience, these are all aspects or variations of the same 
principle, which again can manifest as an insight, a thought or an experience.

  Ok, well then, how can one EXPERIENCE PRINCIPLE?   

  Can you guess what the Ultimate Universal Principle would be?  

  GOD!  Maybe God's not only that, but He surely is that at least!

  It's you, that is God.

  And how do we experience God? 

  "Thy will be done!" 

  Sounds a bit spacy.

  And now wait till you hear this! 

  First listen to these guys, David Swarup & Jeff Hijlkema, playing music by 
just listening to God, not knowing what they're going to play till they play 

  So they are listening to themselves, otherwise I personally would like to get 
name, address, mobile-and social security numbers of this "GOD".

  No, come on now, take three minutes to listen to that, just click on it, and 
then listen. 


  Now remember what they said about how they played?   "an amazing acoustic and 
a magic improvisation -- we did not say a word..it came to us in the moment 
from the beginning till the end!
  Thanks up there!:):):):)"

  That's the way how inspiration or music should function.

  This is what we're all after, to be Life-inspired in every moment, in all we 

  A new revelation or recognition ?

  I've noticed it beginning to happen in some things between me and Mary; and 
in some emails I write, not anything I post as yet, just one on one emails, 
when I don't think, I just write, and it's perfect for it's purpose, and I know 
if I gave it any thought I would never have written what I did.  

  This is a poetical description of how thoughts may function but this is not a 
science-theoretically or philosophically appropriate consideration. The same 
way as if you stated, that Pizza would be "no food for you" even though it 
obvioulsy would seem to be food for others.

  And there was a period several years ago I got into this Life-inspired zone 
somehow and there'd be 30 or 40 people waiting for a Class, and I'd leave my 
notes behind and would say what came to me to say in each moment, without 
knowing what I would say next till the next moment came, all day long, from 
nine in the morning till nine at night. (with breaks of course) 

  But then somehow I lost it and had to teach from notes again.  And it never 
extended into any other areas of my life, or only did very, very rarely.  

  This must be a matter of Mind to Life.   Is it not?  Or is this different?  

  Or is it all so simple as "my will" is Mind, and "Thy will" is Life? 

  Thy will and my will have to match, then it's life. None of them make sense, 
standing for themselves only.

  Is that it? If it is so, it is that ;.).

  Listening to God surely isn't a matter of tuning into how some infinite dude 
wants things to go!  God is at the very least infinite universal principle.   

  You seem to go in the right direction, but it sounds a bit theoretical.

  But who cares?  So what?  

  The EXPERIENCE is surrender to "Thy will be done."  That's all you need to 

  Surrender means, you take initiative and God will guide you. There is no 
other way.

  Tiny insights would only get in the way.  So forget all I wrote.  It will 
only get in the way. 

  In which way ? Tiny insights seem to be always good. They may prevent you 
from getting stubborn.

  Much Love, 




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