Ruth, excellent response and post.  I disagree only with your 2d 
Amend. analysis.  Gun ownership by the individual is fundamental to 
this country; in the last few years many constitutional experts have 
examined the 2d Amend. and construed it to guarantee rights to the 
individual, rather than the government militia.  In my read that's 
exactly what it states.  

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free 
State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be 

'Government' in the Constitution (and particularly in the 
Declaration of Independence) is to be feared for its inevitable 
inclination to Tyranny, and necessarily then, harnessed and fettered 
by the laws of the new republic.  It was assumed that eventually any 
government will go bad and the ability to resist your own government 
(gone bad) by force of arms was understood to be one of the last 
resorts to Tyranny.

The fact that it sits uneasily with many modern sensibilities 
doesn't mean it doesn't say what it says.  Though that's just the 
way I see, and there is a lot of disagreement continuing.  I think 
the Supremes have a  2d Amend. case in this term; I haven't been 
following it.



--- In, "ruthsimplicity" 
> >
> > --- In, MDixon6569@ wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Universal healthcare was included in *higher taxes and
> > > redistribution of wealth*. Democrats have fought tooth
> > > and nail to erode the first and second amendments thru
> > > attacks on religious freedom, free political speech, and
> > > the attempts to restrict gun ownership.
> >
> Generally, when I hear words like "socialist" and "agenda" I tune 
> But . . .
> Higher taxes:  This doesn't have anything to do with your party
> affiliation.  If you spend a lot, generally taxes have to go up.  
> republicans have been spending a lot of late, but have not touched 
> taxes.  If they go up under the dems, it could be because we have 
to pay
> for the prior republican spending.
> Redistribution of wealth.  This occurs all the time.  We have a 
> contract.  We are in this country together.  The constitution gives
> power to the government to tax in order to provide for the general
> welfare.  We tax for roads and other infrastructure.  We tax for
> defense.  We tax for education.  We tax for social security. What 
> universal health care any different?  We provide it through 
Medicare to
> the elderly.  Why not everyone?  It isn't like people are going to 
> their will to work if they get health care paid for by tax dollars.
> Democrats attack religious freedom or political speech?  Ha!  Show 
> Don't forget that the federal government  is not allowed to 
support a
> particular religion or any religion.
> Gun ownership regulation is not supported by all democrats, that is
> probably why we haven't got very far on gun control.  However, you
> reading of the second amendment is contrary to its historic
> interpretation and at a minimum it is clear that it is perfectly 
> to put some restrictions on gun ownership.  Though I would agree 
> people who say that the second amendment is very awkwardly worded, 
> has led to many needless arguments.

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