--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A recorded lecture by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
> August 1970, Humboldt State College, California
> Student:  Today in our discussion group we were discussing levels of
> consciousness and this rose (sic) a couple of questions.  The first
>one is,
> at what level of consciousness is it unnecessary for an individual >to
> incarnate again.
snip for brevity...

That's nice theory and nicely put, but it hardly *fully* addresses the
issue, remember, even Christ Re-incarnated as an avatara, what the
hell do you think an avatar is anyway: 

Once again MMY doesn't answer the question regarding Kundalini and
Chakras, which the student was eager to hear, MMY was merely testy
with him in the end.

So, once again, where's the beef!! If MMY had merely said, yes he can
Re-incarnate IF it's the will of God, but since all of *his* desires
are 'roasted' there is no possibility for *him* to come back, he would
have done justice to the question, IMO.

>From Wiki below:

"In Hindu philosophy, an avatar (also spelled as avatara) (Sanskrit:
&#2309;&#2357;&#2340;&#2366;&#2352;, avat&#257;ra), most commonly refers to the 
incarnation (bodily
manifestation) of a divine being (deva), or the Supreme Being (God)
onto planet Earth. The Sanskrit word avat&#257;ra- literally means
"descent" (avatarati) and usually implies a deliberate descent into
lower realms of existence for special purposes."

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