"Actually, in the TM movement it's even stranger.
 The guys who have the title of "Raja" not only
didn't get the title in lieu of a raise, they
had to pay their boss one million bucks for the
title. No, I'm not kidding."

HOLY Jai Guru Deva-Dip, Batman!!! This story just gets better and better. A 
million bucks 
to be called "Raja"? Who are these people? Where can I meet one? Just goes to 
show a 
spiritual sucker is re-incarnated every day. P.T. Barnum would be green with 

 "Don't assume that everyone here takes seriously
the things that the TM movement takes seriously."

You mean to tell me there are actually people involved in all this nonsense, 
who see the 
con behind the "Maharishi Iron Curtain".... and still go along with it? Well, 
that's downright 
obtuse. What you're describing is a "sheep" mentality normally associated with 
people who 
have been institutionalized. Either that, or they are so trapped financially in 
Fairfield that 
feel they have no choice but to go along with this assault on their common 
sense. Call me 
crazy, but it sounds like these folks are living under a spiritual tyranny to 
me. I must have 
missed that section of the Bhagavad Gita. Please tell me you're pulling my leg.

"If you get off on mocking the afflicted and feel-
ing superior to them (which seems to be the
case), you might want to aim your own lack of 
humility at the right targets."

Duly busted. But hey, you're in America and poking fun at people & things that 
themselves too seriously is a constitutional right. Getting around that first 
amendment of 
of the Constitution is pretty tough even there in Fairfield. Sorry. The TM 
smothered in its ludicrous titles and huckster financial scams is a prime 
target for ridicule 
if there ever was one. Surely, even the powers that be must see that setting up 
monarchy, printing confederate money, and calling themselves things like your 
Majesty in 
IOWA is beyond absurd. Ever heard the expression, "delusions of grandeur"? 
"Power has a 
way of undermining judgment, of planting delusions of grandeur in the minds of 
sensible people and otherwise sensible nations." Another expression for this is 
of a person 
suffering from Megalomania.... a person convinced of their own genius and 
Sound like anyone we know? Spiritual Megalomania is another section of the 
Gita I seem to have missed. Maybe the reason Arjuna hesitated in killing the 
Kauruvas was 
he was thinking about the revenue he would lose from the Joytish & Amrit Kalash 
concession. Do ya think? Really TurquoiseB, you're better than all this TM 
hog-swallow. If 
you want to work for a tyrant, you can do a lot better with some sleazy 
corporation on the 
outside that pays a decent wage and has a good dental plan... and there's no 
his Majesty 
this or his Holiness that.... you get to call the boss the same name everyone 
else does... 
Mr. Asshole.

Best regards,

Raja "Funeral Gawker" ( I didn't pay a dime for that title)

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