--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> You're welcome - it was a real pleasure to listen to that intently.
> I actually got the recording from a colleague-  you might be 
interested in his commentary 
> as well:
> I trust you received the audio file...
> Please let me know when you think a transcription can be completed; 
Maharishi's words 
> should be disseminated by us as widely as possible in print. Also, 
it will be fine for the 
> audio file to be distributed as widely as Initiators feel 
appropriate.  It is important that 
> Maharishi's own teaching about body-death in enlightenment is not 
reduced to a mere 
> `death-dependent-heaven' concept.  Maharishi taught that that 
concept was based in 
> ignorance.  His teaching is "Heaven on Earth"- not "die-and-go-to-

> As one can see from the comments posted  on the "Maharishi Open 
> Channel" website (my copy below), the hopeful successors of 
Maharishi, within mere hours 
> of His body-death, already have begun to misrepresent what 
Maharishi taught about 
> body-death in enlightenment.


This ignores how ignorant the world is. The problem is, when you see 
a nation of utter fools like the U.S. for instance, which re-elected 
a brain-damaged bellicose clown as national leader, you have to ask, 
what could fools possibly understand about the death of an 
enlightened one? And the answer is that they couldn't, of course, so 
TMO leaders, in saluting MMY, use the word "heaven" because of the 
impossibility of saying anything usefully meaningful in a press 
release to the world about the true nature of enlightenment. 
Maharishi always said "We teach knowledge of the infinite [TM], not 
infinite knowledge." It would be cruel to ignorant people to try to 
tell them anything more than what they need to begin to break away 
from their ignorant unhappiness. 

When I had a job that required a Dept of Defense security clearance, 
the concept of "need to know" was impressed on me, and the ignorant 
only need to know a little at first in order to improve their lives. 
TMers who have stuck with the practice for years and attended 
residence courses, etc., are going to be familiar with the idea that 
Cosmic Consciousness does not involve going to heaven, but even if 
they didn't, what difference would it make? Expansion of awareness 
through TM and some little study of Vedic knowledge eventually clears 
away everything that needs to be cleared away, without trying to 
smash the movement on the hard rocks of ignorance that dominate the 
world today.

Bob Brigante

> (From the "Maharishi Open University/Maharishi Channel" website, 5 
> "Heaven is applauding and welcoming His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh 
> A special message by
> His Majesty Maharaja Nader Raam
> Announcing the departure
> Of our most eternally beloved
> His Holiness
> Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to heaven.
> The special broadcast
> Including the message, Guru Puja and chanting
> Will continue repeatedly until further notice.
> Jai Guru Dev" 
> Ironically, in the recording of Maharishi's comments that I have 
distributed to you today, 
> when asked specifically about death after cosmic consciousness, His 
opening statement 
> about an enlightened person is, "He doesn't go..."
> It is such an unfortunate misunderstanding of Maharishi's teaching 
that H.M.Tony Nader 
> asserts Maharishi's "departure...to heaven...", that H.M. 
has "Heaven...welcoming..." 
> Maharishi.  
> Let us hope that H.M. recovers some memory of Maharishi's teaching 
during his `special 
> broadcast', and that confusing ideas about "Maharishi departing to 
heaven" do not gain 
> currency.  
> Their lack of understanding of where (and what) Maharishi actually 
is has thrown our 
> colleagues into grief; I know they mean well.
> That notwithstanding, we cannot take responsibility for ignorance, 
and I feel it incumbent 
> on me today to remind the world of Maharishi's own teaching about 
what happened to Him 
> today.  As Maharishi states in the recording, "...nothing new 
happens... no new merger"; 
> no new experience.  The continuity of unbounded heaven-
consciousness is untouched by 
> body death; the omnipresent consciousness cannot go anywhere- it is 
already everywhere.  
> Help me spread the proper thinking.
> Love and Jai Guru Deva
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajranatha@> wrote:
> >
> > Well I see putting the tapes online did some good!
> > 
> > Thanks whoever took the time to do that service.
> > 
> > On Feb 7, 2008, at 5:26 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
> > 
> > >
> > > A recorded lecture by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
> > >
> > > August 1970, Humboldt State College, California
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Student:  Today in our discussion group we were discussing 
levels of  
> > > consciousness and this rose (sic) a couple of questions.  The 
> > > one is, at what level of consciousness is it unnecessary for 
> > > individual to incarnate again.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:  At the level of consciousness where 
> > > development of the self is full. And that isÂ…
> > >
> > > (...)
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >

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