Started TM in 1976 (gads, was it that long ago?).  Eventually made my 
way to Siddhis.  In another post I will talk about the good 
experiences I had with TM/Siddhis.  I was not a teacher but was 
married to a Governor who was also my initiator.  

When I started TM those years ago I was not overly concerned about 
the religious implications of TM and this accurately reflected my own 
disinterest in my own religion.  That was to change as I got older 
and raised a family.  For years I just accepted the standard party 
line as told by MMY which was that TM and all of its branches 
was "Vedic" and not Hindu and that it was cosmically clean and of no 
concern to any other religious group.  In time I came to question 
just what this here Vedic really meant.  As well in time I came to 
read more about the Mantras and in what context that came from.  

Years later I took a more in-depth interest in my own religion and 
began to reflect much closer on what Vedic meant.  After a while I 
realized that it was just a pale ruse to call TM stuff "Vedic" when 
in fact it was just dressed up Hindu practices, familiar to all 
Hindu's around the world.  In coming to know my own religion better I 
chanced upon a sentence in the Torah which just sealed the whole 
affair for me.  

I quote: "the name of other gods ye do not mention; 
it is not heard on thy mouth..." Source: Exodus 23:13.  I have read 
various commentaries about what this means.  While the OT is open to 
interpretation I think that the words can be taken here at face 
value.  Since these Children of Israel were spiritually open vessels 
and sensitive to all kinds of influences, the wording is not 
ambiguous.  You do NOT put the names of other (pagan) gods in your 
mouth....lest they sway you, influence you.  It is surmised by some 
that these people were also taught meditational techniques by Moses, 
some standing/walking techniques, others maybe sitting/contemplative, 
prayer-like techniques.  So, back to mantras: they are the names of 
Hindu deities, end of story.  That was the end of TM for me, although 
there were other factors that were involved.  

The movements famous or perhaps infamous inability to address the 
psychological changes a person undergoes when meditating is one of 
the biggest failures.  TM has the [possible] ability to alter much 
the fallback of "you're just unstressing, go and lie down and feel 
the body" is laughable and probably irresponsible.  I can see that 
some people would have been harmed by this flippant and ridiculous 
attitude while they were undergoing changes.

I will end for now on one more note.  When my "faith" in the Movement 
was undergoing the evaluation that led me to quit that path I could 
not digest the possible dissonance of seeing MMY lie to us and also 
keep the assumption that he was an enlightened man.  I had a 
simplistic idea that enlightenment could not allow a person to issue 
a lie.  I was wrong and/or he was never enlightened, or enlightenment 
really is something I do not clearly understand. In any case I could 
not hold the two ideas in my mind at the same time. Clearly he had 
hoodwinked us ignoramuses in the West by the constant "Vedic" answer 
and many of us just didn't ask enough questions or do our homework 
out of fear of confronting the hidden and having ourselves outted 
from the group.  I mean, if you want or need to belong to a group, 
you swallow and suppress anything that will be a problem.  Up to the 
point you cannot do this any more.  

For a long time I held rageful feelings towards MMY because I felt he 
had lied to me and I had been misled about many things.  I had 
listened to him discuss how easy it seemed to get to some we only needed 6 or 7000 fliers and all would 
change for the better and a long list of constantly changing promises 
and explanations for what is going to be a better day.  All of which 
did not come about and all of which enriched the movement to 
incredible heights.  I became bitter and felt very badly about these 
feelings.  In another post I will share positive feelings/experiences 
and where I currently hold MMY in my heart.  

I cannot recommend TM to anyone in my faith as I feel that it would 
be a direct contravention of the Torah.  Outside of my faith I have 
neutral feelings but I would warn them of cheaper and safer 
alternative measures/techniques.  With the recent photos of the 
leadership now splashed all over the world, how anyone in their right 
mind can take these people seriously and not see them as faux-Hindu 
wannabe's is beyond me.  They look so silly I just laughed out loud.  
I wish them well and best of luck. 



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