A TM-Teacher in a German list wrote, that Maharishi, being asked by a 
journalist, what would happen, if once he was not there amongst us, gave the 
answer, that this knowledge would not be dependent on him and that those, who 
followed the illuminated path would definitely reach the goal. 

My reply on this incidence was:


Imagine you woke up and you knew, you had to live exactly 36 years more, let's 
say up to the age of the famous classical German composer Franz Schubert or 
only 28 years up to the age of a Jimi Hendrix, or if you had only one year left 
like the husband of a good old friend from the French movement. . -


I this respect Maharishi's passing let me once again reflect upon my own 
remaining days in the form of a thought experiment. I am 55 now, Maharishi was 
estimated to have become 91. What will be the meaning of the vision about 
immortality and invincibility, if at the end you are nevertheless mortal and 
vincible ? That way his death was just not a totally unexpected event but 
became a cenotaph due do it's sudden happening, regarding this striking 
contradiction between fiction and reality. Thus was Maharishi's comment to the 
journalist's question, which could not have been more cryptic than it was. 
Therefore the answer had to stay dissatisfying to any outsider. But the 
question as well could not have been posed more awkwardly than it was, because 
it was only eager and lurid, containing as to my opinion even a hidden 
reproach: The accusation that a master-disciple relationship apparently had to 
be that of a silent dependence without which an efficient advancement would not 
really be possible. And exactly this misinterpretation according to my view 
Maharishi had always been trying to combat, but without having been 
sufficiently understood. Some of the people stood close at his side, always 
trying to filter the master's voice through their awareness, aiming to bring 
themselves to be representing his voice - what a hubris and paternalism of the 
knowledge ! Others, more or less being irritated but disillusioned enough, 
digressed and if they had not been retreating to a sulking corner, they had 
been sufficiently disoriented not to be able to regenerate and to form up in 
order to mold a new alternative movement in time. In such a manner a lot of 
time went lost, which forced Maharishi to change his strategy and to resile to 
a kind of minimalistic proceeding. He could not yell it out in the public: 
"Can't you see in what miserable situation I am ?"


I do not exclude myself from the self-accusation of not having been acting 
earlier in a more precise and much resolute manner. This was, when many a time 
nature gave me a hint, which I was not ready to understand, because I still 
kept a remainder of insecurity in my heart, caused by the influence of those 
patronizing people, and which I was not able to overcome. By this I mixed up 
the concept of devotion with lack of own initiative. Something which was, if I 
am honest, nothing but cowardice to take recourse to yourself and your 
self-responsibility. At least Maharishi gave me a few signals personally, once, 
when he spoke to a close audience in 1979, where he stated that the relation 
between the master and his disciple takes place solely on the level of the 
heart and through no other means at all. And that all other statements 
regarding his sayings, irrespective of someone's claiming, would have no 
meaning in whatever manner for any third party. The second time he hit me, was 
in the Golden Hall of Seelisberg, where he almost seemed to become angry, 
telling me unusually rude: "What kind of problems ? Now you have the 
TM-Sid(d)his and you get, what you want". ( I spoke about my dissatisfaction 
with the leadership of the Austrian movement, who tried to make a hell out of 
my stay as a permanent guest in the country.


Was it not he himself, who in every phase and fiber of his existence had been 
living this attitude ? Had he not been the rebel around Guru Dev, who just 
grappled, not minding any assumed master behaviour codes, but just performed 
what had to be done, advancing to become a maker. In "30 Years around the 
World" he seemed to have it said clearly enough: "It was a permanent adjustment 
and re-adjustment to Guru Dev." In this manner or similarly he had been 
formulating his constant battle, to make it clear for himself, not waiting on 
any instruction by his master. This was an active adaptation, which had nothing 
in common with this expectative attitude of getting the master's attention, 
which various disciples used to intermingle with what they meant to be 
devotion. But this attitude used to be nothing but the lazy expectation the 
master would feed those with latest recognitions and initiatives, if possible 
making them happy even up to ultimate salvation.


Thus we have to bear a burden, which hopefully will get us awakened and let us 
become better team players in future. I am believing in Maharishi's minted 
ideals. But I am only ready to proceed to a matured spirituality, void of this 
belittling and naïve form of conceitedness, which keeps you trapped in a sweet 
but demonic manner. That is also the reason, why I feel disgusted by the 
broadcasting of this industrial sweet affusions, done by representatives of 
"Mother Divine". It rather reminds me to the snake's hypnotic efforts in the 
jungle book, trying to get hold of the Mogli. This has nothing to do with 
Heaven on Earth. The undertaking "Heaven on Earth" has still remained to be a 
merely scientific one, who's charm comes automatically to the surface, if you 
dedicate yourself with all your passion. The same way, as the congeniality of 
concentration (ekagrata parinama) comes out of loosely performed and 
comfortably easy taken meditation. Or if you make a puja, the "soothing effect 
of infinite abundance" is a consequence of a simple act without any effort or 
enforced affection. That is just what made the difference between Maharishi's 
teaching and the wide-spread foggy hinduistic bhakti-sanctimoniousness. It was 
something, where you could say, it is refreshingly seizable and concretely 


I am imagining right now, what would have happened, if I had taken up the 
impulse of the "Art of Living"-Movement and put it into reality. I wrote a 
letter to Ravi Shankar, where I reproached so with him that he might do 
something brainy to his devotees in his role as a former disciple of Maharishi: 
"Science of Being" instead of "Art of Living". Transcending instead of panty 
breathing, called Sudarshan Kriya. The unexpected answer came soon by his 
personal secretary. Close to self-irony he invited me "to get hundreds of 
thousands of my followers initiated into TM and TM-Sidhis, provided


a)      I could give proof to have been authorised by Maharishi

b)     We would not behave like a fanatic muslim organization 


And he invited me for June 1999 to come to Andhra Pradesh in order to start 
with performing.


The last condition I could immediately assure but with the first prerequisite I 
failed to succeed, because I did not have the guts to state that I was 
sufficiently authorised to start with the task. I had already been initiating 
in India at that time, even though from all sides insecurity was being spread, 
lead by Dr. Wilhelm Bosch, a secret agent from Christian church as I estimated. 
I had a recommendation from Samhita, the German national TM-Organisation, added 
with a few recommendations of TM-Teacher colleagues. And I even got an 
enciphered late answer by Maharishi himself, directly on the day, when I left, 
forwarded by Silke Bachorz via Willi Kempe. But even Prakash Shrivastava, a 
direct relative to Maharishi and national leader of India, was not willing to 
help be while visiting his place in Delhi, just trying to excuse himself with 
subterfuges. Three attempts I made and after my third visit thousands of miles 
across the country at Mathura Road the TM-Teacher contract, issued by MVU 
Holland fluttered on the Janis table at Ahmedabad. (And which by the way seems 
to be valid, even though "Raja" Schiffgens reckoned it would have been 
concluded with the wrong people, as if he knew, who the right and the wrong 
people were - I could only laugh about).


Thus I waited on an answer out of my own "camp" in vain. Only frosty silence 
was passing through the ether. Every expert of the (German) movement cowered 
away (The Melchers, Torsten Eickhoff, Reinhard Borowitz, Peter Rohr etc.) and 
who wondered about what was to be read on all these internet pages, saying that 
the ministry of communication was still vacacant, having no minister. Exactly 
at that time the disease malaria came as an addition, as if having been called 
on the point. I went through it, accompanied by three out my four children and 
we defeated it without recourse to any chemicals, and against the constant 
influence by our surroundings, which constantly gave the advise to take some 
"down to earth" medicine.


Actually I am thinking that the internal communication flow, influenced by 
so-called secret agents had been taking care of getting the connection to my 
new client cut. Instead of I got a totally indifferent mail by Dr. Eberhard 
Baumann ("how are you ?"). He had been shifting to AoL and he obviously didn't 
find time to answer to my feed back on his mail.


I was remembering him from the AEGTC in 1976 at Interlaken and later on at 
Boppard, where he insisted of getting me an "appropriate" movement haircut. I 
was at the verge to join the four member groups, ready to leave for India. But 
for some reason we had to stay. 


And I was always thinking how this man got access to my confidential 
correspondence to the leaders of AoL. At least the underground communication 
seemed to have been functioning, but with what target ?


I have in mind that this has to change, and dear friends, we have something to 
be caught up from the past. The basic approaches had been there but the courage 
was missing to bear the consequences. At least I can say that about myself and 
it was due to lack of maturity. But I am still in hope that this will be 
changing - may be with your support.









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