--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you for posting this. If there, by some struck of fortune, 
> happens to be some dignity left you would collect all these 
> marvelous and personal stories, including those from Ravi 
> Shankar and the Chopra family in a folder on FFL.

Strangely, I find myself and all of my 9.5 points
on the Nabby Scale partially agreeing with him.
Partially. Here's my reponse to his idea, and the 
reasons for it.

When the teacher I worked with for a long time 
died, there was a website that collected the stories
of some of his students and kept a permanent record
of them. It gave the individual seekers themselves
-- the people who had actually served time "in the
trenches" with the man -- a chance to express their
feelings about him. Some were positive, some were
not. But they're all still there, archived, so that 
anyone in the future who might be curious as to what 
these everyday seekers had to say about their time 
with the man can read them.

This provided a great deal of closure for many people
who were trying to come to some sense of balance with
the time they had spent with this gentleman. And it
inspired many people who otherwise might NOT have tried
to put pen to paper (or keyboard to phosphor) and say
a few things about their experiences and their feelings
to do so.

I think it was a great idea, and I think a similar forum
would be a great idea here on Fairfield Life. 

With some caveats.

First, I think that nothing should be included in this
"Remembrance Folder" unless the authors themselves
request that their words be put there. No one should
go through the posts of the last week and try to /
have to decide what is "worthy" to be included and
what is not. Let the writers themselves decide, by
writing to Rick or the other moderators offline and
requesting that their post -- or their private sub-
mission -- be included. Or let Rick write to them and
ask them if they want their writings to be included,
if they are not regular posters to FFL.

Second, let it be "post only" and not open to replies
and responses. Let this folder be a place where a 
person can put his or her most intimate and loving -- 
or scathing and damning -- remarks about Maharishi
and have them NOT subject to a dozen followup posts.

Third, I think that it would be a more balanced and
dignified monument if the submissions were limited to
the people who actually wrote them *to this forum*.
In other words, no public articles, or if they are
included, make sure that they are in *another* folder,
one specifically for obituaries or articles in the
press. I think it would be better to keep the FFL
"Remembrance Folder" reserved for those people who
regularly write to this forum, and to those who have
been inspired to write to it recently, or to send
their remembrances to Rick specifically so that he
could post them here.

I think that would be dignified. One of the reasons
that Nabby wants all the public articles posted is a
common trait among TMers -- the belief that if some-
one "famous" or someone "in the media" says something
good about their teacher, that makes him good. It's
the worst type of Misplaced Authority Fallacy in my
opinion. Some Beatle says something negative; does 
that make MMY negative? Of fucking course not. Another
Beatle says something positive about MMY. Does that
make him positive? Of fucking course not. Same with
the Chopras. Same with the other spiritual teachers
who have "logged in" on the subject in the press. 
If such things are to be collected and preserved here,
please let it be in a separate folder FOR press
statements. Nothing that ANY of these people says is 
"the truth," or a whit more truthful than anything 
anyone ELSE says. It's all just opinion. The fact that 
the opinionee is more famous than someone else doesn't 
mean a damned thing.

But the "Remembrance Folder" itself? Please let that
be for the statements of normal, everyday seekers who
paid their dues over the years with Maharishi. Give
them a private place to publicly share their feelings.
Don't make someone who spent 20 years "in the trenches"
"compete" with some person who is famous, but who like 
the Beatles or their ex-wives spent at most a total of 
a couple of months in his presence. Or like some of 
the teachers who have written things, never met him
at all.

Let the "Remembrance Folder" be for US, the people
who spent some time with the man and who have come here 
to Fairfield Life to try to figure things out.

We've been trying to figure things out for some time 
now, and I dare say not ONE of us has. As far as I 
can tell, no one on this forum is any more clueful 
than anyone else. We are all -- each and every one 
of us -- still trying to figure out our feelings 
about this man we spent time with, and about the 
things he taught, and about how and whether they 
affected us and the world. And I don't think that any 
of us will EVER come up with a definitive, final 
"take" on the situation. One day we'll feel positively 
about the man, and the next we'll feel negatively. And 
both are fine, and both are "correct," because both are 
the honest feelings of a spiritual seeker who is trying
to do what every spiritual seeker in history has done 
before him -- figure things out.

I really LIKE Nabby's idea of some area in the FFL 
archives where we preserve our feelings and remem-
brances of Maharishi. But please, let it be OUR
feelings and remembrances of the man, not a bunch
of "dueling obituaries" by some talking head in 
the press.

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