I agree that mood making via religious-commandments, moral axioms,
even daily prayers might have helped the TMO -- especially at this
transition moment.  

Still though, the big allure of TM was that one didn't have to "work
at it" to be a good happy person....and religions, generally speaking,
require a lot of time and effort to "make reality" for a practitioner.  

On the other hand, didn't the TMO institute TONS of moodmaking?  Did
we all get the message that we must force our minds to come up with
rationalizations for the various jarring, goofyassed, creepy, and even
illegal behaviors of the TMO's leaders?  

Maharishi: "Here, nearest trustable stooge, take this $10,000 in cash
out of this country, hidden in your underwear, and don't get caught in

Stooge"  "Maharishi is sooooooo perfect that he sees that this action
is life-supporting and an exception to the rule of law.  In fact, the
law is evil in that it doesn't provide that my guru specifically is
wise enough to determine these things."

Like that.  We all pretended ourselves into some rather odious
compromises of our integrities.  The first lecture is filled with
assertions that our own experiences do not support, so right there we
were required to moodmake IN PUBLIC.

And now, if anything, try to find a TBer who isn't moodmaking about
King Tony like a bride on her honeymoon night with Quazimodo (He's
such a swinger! What hump?)



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Kirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's pretty clear to me now that if some of the rules of religion had 
> attended the TM technique many many followers of the Maharishi would
> still practice. For instance, if Maharishi had stressed - love they 
> neighbor, and - have faith.  But alas such things were considered
> Instead Maharishi sought to reify the basic Hindu cosmoconception
into the 
> Earth plane with all the caps and gowns forgetting that people don't
> what they see, they believe what they feel. Most people function as
based in 
> their moods. So a little positive mood making might have saved the
> of the Movement.

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