--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politics/7247470.stm

I don't know what it's like for those of you who
live in the UK, but from the point of view of we
other EU residents, your country must be going 
through some weird shit lately, possibly weirder 
even than under Blair.

You're now officially the most surveilled society
on the planet. Each of you are filmed on the average 
of 80 times a day, on closed circuit cameras that
have all been networked (even if they're private, 
on ATMs and the like) so that the government can 
use them watch everybody. 

And, as attested to by friends who tried to travel
there recently from Spain, you're "cracking down"
on tourists who overstay their EU tourist visas.

A couple of friends who were a few days over the
limit of their three-month visa flew into Britain
for a few days' visit last week, prior to their
return to the US. The officials at the airport 
looked at their passports and dragged them out of 
line, took all of their possessions away from them, 
and wouldn't let them call anyone. They put them 
in a locked detention cell with no beds in it 
overnight where they had to sleep on the floor
with 20 other detainees stopped for similar 
tourist visa violations, and then put them on 
the next plane back to where they had come from 
in the morning. 

This was a married couple who were obviously well
off. They were just passing through, and had 
unintentionally gone over the limit on their
tourist visas because they had been having fun 
touring Europe, moving from country to country. 
Each time they did they got new stamps on their 
passports, and thought that that was sufficient
to renew their three-month tourist visas. Trouble 
was they never traveled outside EU countries, and 
the new crackdown says that tourists have to leave 
the EU *completely* after three months.

Everyone treated this way had "black marks" stamped 
on their passport records such that they will prob-
ably have trouble traveling anywhere in the world
from now on, because they have been officially
deported from a country. As far as I know, even
though the overstaying the tourist visas thing
IS a larger EU concern, no other country in the
EU is reacting like this and getting all gestapo
on people's asses.

So tell me, those of you who live there...what the
FUCK is going on? 

Are you aware that this is the new policy and that 
mass deportations now seem to be the order of the 
day? My friends said that the scene at the airport
and in the detention cell was like something out 
of the film "Children Of Men," and that they will 
never under any circumstances set foot in the UK 

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