This post begs two questions: 1) was the TM org in better shape when 
Chopra was active in the early 90's? What is different now and then? 
2) What is wrong with the current state of the TM org other than 
everything is too expensive (in the US), but that has been the case 
for a long time. -- Frank

--- In, "william108wm" 
> I spoke with Deepak Chopra this morning after a radio interview he 
> in DC.
> As we walked to his car, he spoke about his sadness about the 
> state of the TM org. I mentioned that I felt that his recent essays
> after Maharishi's passing were very valuable for people to hear and
> that it has stimulated alot of emails on this YahooGroup discussion
> board. He said that he just had to do it to clear the air about his
> relationship with the TM org over the years.
> He said that when Maharishi first came to Holland Deepak got Tony
> Nadar's attention and said "Let's take a walk".
> During that walk he told Tony about all the details of 
> near death illnesses and his time in England. 
> Deepak said that upon hearing this, Tony was in shock and said to 
> "I don't believe a word of this". 
> I asked Deepak if I may share his conversation with this group. He 
> "Absolutely"
> John

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